Sunday, October 11, 2009

Vintage Postcards ~ Around the World in an Afternoon!

Yes, today's postcards all originate from out side of the United States....some near some far and some I'm not quite sure where they are! (ha ~ that rhymes and I wasn't even trying - LOL!! yes I know, some days it doesn't take much to tickle is one of those days!!)

So how about it, wanna go on a little trip around the world with me???

Here you go ~

If anyone knows where some of these are from, please feel free to post!

I'd love to know a bit more about them!
Thanks to everyone who e-mailed or posted on the 2 mystery cards!! It's so much fun to find out more about them!!

(oh ~ I didn't crop these btw...lazy today!)

Niagara Falls & Rainbow Bridge

from Niagara Falls, Canada

101109 002

Mystery Card - Thanks to Susan (in Vienna)

Reads: KUR-und Erholungsheim "Raxblick" der K.F.A.

Austria - Rax Mountain which is located near Vienna!

101109 010

and the back is pretty cool too!!

101109 011

Monasterio De Poblet

Barcelona, Spain

101109 007

Charlotte Amalie,

Virgin Islands

101109 004


Facciata della Cattedrale

Italy (I think)
(Translates to: Florence - The Front of the Cathedral)

101109 006

Merlin, Ontario, Canada

101109 005

Venzia -

Condola e Isola S Giorgio


101109 008

and it's back side is pretty cool looking too...

101109 009

So there you go...a day trip around part of the world anyway :)

Hope you've had a great weekend!


  1. Very cool, Roni! Where did you get them? I can't help with the German (or whatever it is!), but the Italy one that you are unsure of says, "Florence--the front of the Cathedral" (I may be paraphrasing--my Italian isn't stellar!). Can't wait to see these reincarnated into something even more fabulous!!!

  2. The German written Postcard is from AUSTRIA Rax is a mountain near Vienna!

    hugs from Susan /Vienna

  3. Greetings,
    Firenze is in Italy - it's the Italian name for Florence.
    Evelyn in Montreal


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!