Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Poll for 2010 - Collage & Altered Art Projects

I've added a new poll to the right ~ I've rec'd several requests for collage and altered art projects but no specifics. Collage and altered arts are generic terms and encompass a wide range of projects and techniques. To narrow the field a bit I thought I'd see what you were interested in. I've posted some of the major areas to touch on but if you've got other requests or ideas I'd love to hear about them and give them a try if I'm able.

I know many of you are thinking...oh no, another hobby to get into. Seriously if you already craft you've probably got more than enough to give collage and/or altered arts a try. Collage and Altered Arts are very "green" realms of art...they were recycling LOTS of "stuff" before it was politically correct to do so.

Collage and altered artists have embraced the saying ~ "One man's trash is another man's treasure" for a long LONG time ;)

I guess what I'm saying is please don't write it off until you see some of the projects :)

Please feel free to choose as many areas of interest as you'd like. I'm just trying to get an idea on what you'd like to see.


  1. Thanks for the poll Roni!

    Elaine Allen

  2. I've voted but not much use really as I ticked them all. I just want everything!

  3. Laughing at Neet - I almost did the same only one I didn't tick was jewellery

    Thanks Roni

  4. Thanks Roni! I have gotten more into art journaling and I was wondering if your going to be doing that??? I bet your going to be going to be doing some neat stuff I could adapt to that!

  5. YW :)

    LOL Neet at marking them all ~ too funny!!

    Hey Brian! Yep, I have lots of idea for altered book/journaling and I'm sure some of the other techniques I use on Gothic Arches, ATC's and Shrines will work in your Altered Journaling!

  6. I love the ATC & jewelry ideas. Anything with charms/inchies/embellishments to add to other projects. Thanks!

  7. well for some reason I dont see the poll...but I like the jewelry too . ATC's as well..with cool stamping on them...ty cher

  8. Can't wait to get this going as I have been wanting on of my fave blogs to get into this area. I don't want to add a new site to read it!!! Roni you are the greatest! Merry Christmas!

  9. I've heard about altering dolls and think thta would be fun to attempt. I've never seen an actual tutorial on it though. Tina


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!