Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Cole...Sad News

Well I was going to give you all an update post last week and thank everyone again for their generosity by sending all of your lovely hand made cards and goodies. Unfortunately I got really busy at work and failed to do so.  For this I apologize.  He was having a bit of difficulty with his balance and walking because his muscles were weak from the inactivity but he was coming along. I kept hoping that if I waited just a bit more I could give you an update saying he was doing great.

Sadly, I just got word he fell while trying to get into a chair this evening and broke his right leg even worse than his left leg.  They just left the local ER to take him to Fort Wayne...they don't know if he has to have immediate emergency surgery or if he will have to stay in the hospital and wait for the swelling to go down.  I am just heartbroken...  I was instantly sick to my stomach when DS told me what was going on.... 

I again (for the 100th time) read up on osteogenesis imperfecta - a.k.a. brittle bone disease and found out that this is somewhat common.  Once there is a break with down time it weakens the muscles and bones causing other bones to break more than they already do.  Knowing this doesn't make it any easier...  Just beside myself with grief and worry...Please send good thoughts and prayers for the little guy...I'm afraid he's going to need them even more this time.  :(


  1. So sorry to read this, Roni. I will hold good thoughts for his recovery and healing.

  2. Praying for Cole and your whole family. Hugs to all.

  3. Roni,
    Praying for all of you and the hospital staff that will take care of Cole. Thank you for letting us know so prayers can be said.
    Blessings, Sue

  4. Sorry to hear this. Could you post the address again? I have it in a safe place, I just will not be able to get to it for a few weeks. Prayers to all of you.

  5. Oh, Roni, I am so sorry. I can honestly say I understand. My oldest grandson, who is 11 now, had a large cancer and subsequent surgery as an infant. He has had ongoing problems ever since. Although the cancer has not come back, there are lots of things that pop up unexpectedly as a result of the major surgery. You just never know from day to day. I will keep little Cole in my prayers.

  6. So very sorry to hear. Prayers for all

  7. Oh Roni, I'm so sorry to hear this. Poor little guy. I will keep saying prayers for him as well as you.

  8. HUGZ Roni. Sending positive thoughts and best wishes to Cole and your whole family. Try not to worry too much and look after yourself. HUgz

  9. Praying for your family! Hugs Roni!

  10. Oh, Roni, I am so sorry! You and your family will be in my prayers.

  11. Roni, my heart hurts for you. It is so scary and hard to see your grandchild suffer. Prayers for Cole and your family.

  12. would lie and address for Cole to send a card. In my prayers for sure.
    Hugs to you, Cole and family. Susie

  13. Oops- meant would like and address.

  14. more cards on the way Roni, sorry to read about Cole. to you again?

  15. Shoot! I was thinking the past few days to nudge you to see how he was doing. Sure did not want to read this. Please resend your addy to me so I can send more cards. I am so bummed for the little guy. All of you really. Will continue to pray for him - and the rest of you. This is hard for all of you, not just him.


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!