Friday, November 19, 2021
Blue Christmas
Sweet Vibes
Thanks a Pumpkin Spice Latte
Saturday, October 2, 2021
Happy World Card Making Day Card
My final card for the day....Happy World Card Making Day card :) The strip on the left side of the card is a gel plate monoprint that I stamped using Rubber Stamp Tapestry's new set called Card Maker!! How fun is that. The other side of the card was made using a stencil and sponge dauber. I added a few Pastel Flat Back Gems from Sparkle Blends. Hope you had a chance to play today!
Fall Hello Shaker Card
World Card Making Day 2021 - Blackberry Bramble Birthday
The background stamps are all peg stamps from Rubber Stamp Tapestry - a branch plus the new set called Blackberry Bramble. Lovely isn't it? The "BIRTHDAY" stamp is from Unity Stamp Co.
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Gathering the Clover
Today I wanted to share my latest Fairy Hugs creation featuring a stamp from the newest release - Clovers. Living on a farm and raising hay clover is always a joyous site and it smells ever so sweet when it is turned into hay. While the clover we raise is purple I decided to take a bit of creative license and stamp it blue....

Thursday, June 10, 2021
From the Depths....
Today I wanted to share my latest Fairy Hugs creation...

Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Who lives behind the Mermaid Door?
Today I wanted to share my latest Fairy Hugs creation...

Friday, June 4, 2021
Hello Friends!
I hope you're all doing well and enjoying summer (or other season) in your neck of the woods. I wanted to pop in and tell you about some changes going on here and IRL. First off as many of you know Feedburner is coming to an end. I am in the process of moving subscribers over to FollowIt. You will be getting an e-mail from them asking if you'd like to follow Ink Stains through them. You have to click on the link to verify otherwise you may be dropped from the list. I hate doing things like this because you all know I'm a paper, glue and ink kind of girl and I'm not too well versed with new computer stuff. I had to send them my list of followers so I'm hoping all goes well with that.
Please Note: If you follow Ink Stains through one of the other subscription options available on the blog nothing will change. This only effects followers subscribed through Feedburner.
Other Changes.....
You may have noticed that I haven't been posting as much lately. I've been feeling a bit off kilter for a while now and things have been a bit stressed. While I loved the companies I worked for it became more of a chore to create than a joy. If you have been following for a while you know IRL we own our own business and run a farm in addition to my creative endeavors. I have been feeling stressed and anxious over the past year and a half and it's finally come to a head. I don't seem to be able to find my creative stride and I've been anxious and unsure about what I've been making which is not a good place to be. In addition to my lost mojo I haven't enjoyed Facebook for quite a while with all of the negativity going on with the virus and politics. I have wanted to cut back on time spent there because honestly who wants or needs another source of negative, bad news in their life. Unfortunately Facebook and Instagram are a huge part of being on a Design Team making things all the harder.
As a result, I have decided to step down from most of my Design Team positions to lessen the load/stress/anxiety. I will now be working for a few smaller companies - Rubber Stamp Tapestry, Doodles Paper Playground - Sparkle Blends (limited edition sequins/shaker mixes) and Fairy Hugs. I already feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I don't have nearly as many headaches as I was having and I feel far more relaxed not having to worry about getting everything done.
I have reorganized my crafting priorities and I am hoping within the next couple weeks to share some "just for fun because I want to" projects with you. I have attached a photos of a couple of bracelets I've made recently. It's been fun getting back into jewelry making and I might even try my hand at making some altered charms after a long long absence.
Well, that's all for now...take care friends and remember to o.k. the FollowIt e-mail so you don't miss out. I'd miss you :)
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Wiggle Wiggle Under the Sea
Today I wanted to share my latest Fairy Hugs creation...