Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ink Stains 5th Anniversary Altered Altoids Tin Art Festival & Blog Hop!

You read that correctly - on this day 5 years ago I started Ink Stains!!! 
To celebrate this milestone I thought it would be fun to host my first blog hop / on-line art festival.  The centerpiece for this show of art is the humble Altoids Tin!
You all know how I hate to throw anything away that might....just might be turned into art and these tins are one of those things. 
So let's begin....
Ink Stains 5th Anniversary Altered Altoids Tin Art Festival & Blog Hop!



gloria 2

Ink Stained Roni
beeswax 3 031

Ink Stained Roni

altoid tins 002

Carol M.

Carol M
Ink Stained Roni
Greatest Love Tin 017

Loretta M.

Top View 2

Inside View 2

Inside View 11

Ink Stained Roni
(fat tin - 2 bottoms)

altoid tins 033

altoid tins 034

altoid tins 037

altoid tins 038
 Mom (Dixie)
2013 Calendar Tin

mom - beach 1

mom - beach 2

Ink Stained Roni

Valentine Tin 010

Valentine Tin 011

Blackberry Designs

Altoids tin - Dea

Ink Stained Roni

altoid tins 009

altoid tins 012


Altoids Tin Anesha - Front

Altoids Tin Anesha - Inside
Ink Stained Roni

altoid tins 019

 Ink Stained Roni
new years tin ii 014 new years tin ii 005


Altoids Tin - Sachi

Ink Stained Roni

Mom Altiod Tin II 005

Mom Altiod Tin II 003

Kelli Sue

Altoids Tin - Kelli Sue

Altoids Tin - Kelli Sue 2

Altoids Tin - Kelli Sue 3

Ink Stained Roni

altoid tins 013

altoid tins 015

Ink Stained Roni
25 Days of Hand Made Gifts & Ornaments - Tic Tac Toe 001
Karen Ladd

Altoids Tin - Karen Ladd

Ink Stained Roni
GI - Sept 10 - Pins & Needles Tin - Open - Ink  Stained Roni

Ink Stained Roni

altoid tins 006

altoid tins 008

Jean S.

Altoids Tin - Jean S - Front

Altoids Tin - Jean S - Inside

Ink Stained Roni
whimsy stamps 023

whimsy stamps 028

Ink Stained Roni

altoid tins 004

Mom (Dixie)

mom - oz 1

mom - oz 2

Ink Stained Roni
Magnetic Paper Dolls!

altoid tins 021

altoid tins 024

altoid tins 022

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
I hope you enjoyed the vast array of goodness these talented folks have shared with us all....I know I sure have and I would like to thank each and every person participating in this hop.
I would also like to thank each and every person who has visited the blog over the past 5 years!  You are the reason why I do what I do.
I am inviting YOU to participate in this blog hop/art festival by creating your own tin. To be entered, create your tin (no old altered tins please), come back here ~ use the linky tool to posting a link to your tin or sending me photos of your tin to be posted on Ink Stains. 
You have until December 8th to post your creations. 
On December 9th I will draw one winner for 5 different prizes!!! 
Those prizes are.....
A $25.00 gift certificate to Altered Pages
A $25.00 Gift Certificate to Stampers Best 
A $25.00 Gift Certificate to Blackberry Designs
A set of 6 Blue Specturm Noir Alcohol Markers
A signed copy of my book -
Teach Yourself Visually Collage & Altered Arts
I understand that not everyone has time to play so as an added bonus I am going to be giving away another prize ~ sort of a "one to grow on" ~ to one reader who leaves a comment on this post between now and December 9th.
What is that prize????
 This beautiful Vera Bradley handbag filled with stamps & other goodies!!!

IS 5 001
 And now it's your turn....
remember if you want to win, you must either comment or post a link to your altered tin!

Good Luck Everyone
for being a part of my
Ink Stained Community!!! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Cyber Monday

Happy Cyber Monday!
Have you all been shopping your little hearts out?
I have to admit...I'm not.  I skipped Black Friday/weekend and did my on-line shopping then - LOL!!  I have been tempted by all of the sale offers from various crafty vendors though.
It's almost too good to pass up but I have too...
recently I was lucky enough to be able to purchase the entire set of Specturm Noir markers (in 2 different deals) for a real steal.  Less than half price!!!  I won part of them on E-bay and bought the rest from Hallmark Scrapbook & Crafts!  It's like a late b-day, early Christmas gift :)
I've not had much time to play with them yet ~ seems like I've been going at a non-stop run for the last several weeks.  I'm hoping soon I'll be able to sit down with them and just play.
In case you missed it, tomorrow is Ink Stains 5th B-day/Anniversary and my very first blog hop & on-line art festival!!
There will be loads of cool tins to see, a great way for you to participate and goodies galore!!
I can't wait for you to see all of the tins ~ it's going to be such fun.
I hope you all stop by and check 'em all out.
Here are a couple snippets of 2 of my tins....

You'll have to stop back tomorrow to see the whole tin :)
See you then!!!