Sunday, August 18, 2024

Beauties of the Far East Challenge

Hello Friends -

Long time...things have been crazy busy and not much time for crafting but I finally had a chance to make a few things so I'm going to be sharing them with you now.

As you may or may not know Gecko Galz is a collage store on Etsy. They have been around for many years and I've been enjoying their monthly challenges hosted both on the blog and facebook page. The blog has a main themed challenge each month which you can use any of their images to create a project as long as it follows the theme. This month it is Beauties of the Far East and this is my creation...

I used a couple images from the Beautiful Geishas Tin Toppers sheet for this candy tin - one for the front and one on the inside of the lid... 

The text is part of an element from the Asian Waters Junk Journal kit to line the bottom of the tin.

And of course you have to have something to put inside the tin so I made 3 domino magnets using images from the Asian Beauties image kit.

They fit inside very nicely don't you think?


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