Monday, May 9, 2011

Painting with Liquid Pearls Questions

After I posted the Painting with Liquid Pearls tutorial last week I had several e-mails with questions about various aspects of this technique. 

Since many asked the same questions I thought I would just post the answers to them here to save time.

The question that was asked most often was ~

Q - Did you let each color/layer of Liquid Pearls dry before adding the next?

A - Yes and no...  Originally when I was first messing with the technique I did let each individual layer dry completely before moving on.  Now it's not as time consuming as it sounds.  Liquid Pearls dry pretty quick so it's not like you're waiting hours between coats.  This rose was created by letting each color dry then adding the next.

LP Shading 012

This rose was created by adding one color right after the next without letting the individual colors dry.  I did clean my brush off periodically ask I was blending the various colors to prevent them getting muddy.  I didn't count but I'd say I cleaned the brush off once or twice for each petal of the flower while I was blending.

LP Shading 011

Q - Can I use Adirondack Dimensional Pearls for this technique? 

A - Yes, you can use the Dimensional Pearls but keep in mind Liquid Pearls have a thicker consistency than DP's do.  The Dimensional Pearls will spread a bit as they are drying so you won't get the finer edges as what you would get if you used LP's.

Q - Is there something else I can use in place of the Liquid Pearls?

A - Well, I know there used to be a similar product on the market but I haven't seen them in years.  I can't honestly say there is a Liquid Pearl replacement so I'd have to say no.

Q - Will the LP hurt my paint brush?  Did you use a special paint brush?

A - The answer to both of these questions is won't hurt your paint brush and it wasn't anything special.  I will go back to my standing thought on supplies..... Use what you have on hand.  If you don't have a paint brush with a tiny tip cut most of the bristles off of an old paint brush you have in your stash.  I am a firm believer in the fact that you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars to create beautiful art!

Q - How long does it take to dry?

A - The inner thin layers of Liquid Pearls dries almost immediately.  I would leave the thicker outer lines dry a couple hours before handling it. 

Hope these answers help!
Tomorrow I'll be back with another fun technique to pair with your Liquid Pearls!


  1. Thanks for the Q/A stuff, I have used Liquid Pearls on a stamped image of a candle, it makes the candle look so real, gives it a waxy look and the drips look great too!
    Cheers from
    Dartmouth NS

  2. I really appreciate you answering a couple of the questions I had. In particular the drying time!

    My local LSS has a deal that I just signed up for where you pay a yearly fee ($40/year) and I get to use her stamps, inks, Cricut & carts,paints, etc. I just supply my time & papers, adhesive,etc. This way I get to try a few items before I buy. I am SO EXCITED!!!

  3. Thanks for clearing all that up!


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