Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring Break, Vintage Stuff & Rainbows

Hi Friends!
Today was a fun day...last day of Spring Break for my son so we decided to end the week by doing something we love....Antiquing!! We went to Pierceton, IN...several little shops with lots of fun vintage goodies to scope out.
We both found some things we couldn't leave behind...ds found an old book (and he found a few for me including a dictionary!!) and a reproduction Remington Firearms sign. I found a fun clicky thing that people used to keep track of how much they were spending at a supermarket ~ I remember my Mom using one when I was little. I also found a couple of tiny toy baking pans ~ way cool and very alterable!
My find of the day was this....
A vintage Sanford's Blue Stamping Ink!!!
It still has ink in it too!!
OH Man I can't tell you how excited I was when I found this...Vintage Ink AND BLUE to boot!! It was actually my second trip through our last stop. Bob was out looking through the larger outside goodies which I wasn't interested in so I figured I'd make one last quick pass around. BINGO!
The cap is actually made out of wood and has a cork bottom. Sort of scares me cause I don't want to accidentally knock it over and turn everything blue - LOL!!
Vintage Ink Bottle 001
Vintage Ink Bottle 002
And yesterday we had terrible storms on and off all day.
Well, last evening we were rewarded with a beautiful double rainbow!
You can barely see the 2nd on the right of the bright rainbow but it was there.
Too pretty not to share.
Rainbow 4-8-10 001
Didn't get my special project done today but it will definitely be Monday.
I can't wait ~ it's turning out so cool!
If you haven't signed up to win a copy of my book over at Kristin's web site you still have time!! The last copy will be given away tomorrow.
The link is to the right under Give-A-Ways.
Good Luck Everyone!!!


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!