
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Watercolor Paper Comparison - Gelatos

Today's comparison is a reader request - Gelatos!  Ahhhh, if you've never tried them you really should.  They are such a fun medium to work with and so very versatile.  They are a creamy color medium in a lipstick type form and a little bit goes a long way!  

I decided to test the Gelatos four different ways - one coloring directly on the paper, then I used my Niji Waterbrush to blend the drawn line to see how well it would move on the paper.  I used a regular color and a metallic for this test to see if they preformed differently.

Lime & Metallic Mint

Next I used the Faber-Castel smudge tool which comes with some of the sets to apply the Gelatos to the paper and finally I used my waterbrush to pick up the color from the tube and paint just like regular watercolors.

Green Tea & Smudge Tool

Spearmint & Niji Waterbrush

I have to say I wasn't real impressed with any of the blending on the directly colored on the paper tests but I LOVE painting with them.  The results are just what you'd expect - beautiful, some better than others but neat none the less.

So here you go....

NOTE: I was running out of room on some of the paper samples so a few pics may have other tests included in the photo and others I had to take multiple photos because I fit them in where I could.  As always you can click on any of the pictures to enlarge.

Arches 140lb Hot Press

Arches 140lb Cold Press

Bienfng 90lb Student 

Bienfng 90lb Student

Canson Mixed Media

Canson 140lb Cold Press

Dick Blick Mixed Media

Dick Blick 90lb Student 

Dick Blick 90lb Student

Dick Blick 140lb Cold Press

Fabrino Artistico 90lb Cold Press

Fabrino Artistico 90lb Cold Press

Fabrino Artistico 90lb Cold Press

Fabrino Studio 95lb Cold Press

Fabrino Studio 95lb Cold Press

Hero Hues WC Paper

Hero Hues WC Paper

Ranger WC

Simon Says Stamp WC

Simon Says Stamp WC

Strathmore 140lb Cold Press

Strathmore 140lb Cold Press

What was your favorite paper using the watercolor effect?

Mine was the Dick Blick Student Watercolor paper!  I was so surprised, the color was spectacular and the fade is just what I was looking for.  Amazing for such an inexpensive paper IMO.  

Tomorrow I'll be back with a round up of all the tests and I may even have a few goodies to give away so be sure to stop back in and check it out!

Till then, ink on my on!


  1. I have lots of those Gelatos too.I really haven't found the right paper for them so this post is helpful-Thanks Denise

  2. I'm with you on the Dick Blick paper Roni- the 90lb was my fav-
    do you have a tut on using gelatos somewhere? I guess i still don't have the hang of it- unless of course it is because I wasn't using the Dick Blick paper! teeeheehee
    thanks again for taking the time! ")

  3. I like the Dick Blick the best also. Although if I was going for more of a water color look using the gelato with my water brush I would go with the Simon Says. To me that had more of a traditional watercolor look. The Fabrino 90lb appears to wash out the colors when applied wet so don't think I would be using that unless I wanted a subtle background. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I will have to give the DB paper a try. I have not had the best of luck with Gelatos and the watercolor paper I've been using---so far it's been a disappointment. Thanks so much, Roni, for all you do and the information that you share out here. You have the absolute BEST blog, out of the 300 (some odd) blogs that I follow out here!!


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!