
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

25 Gifts & Ornaments #14 - Faux Snowglobes!

I couldn't wait to share these with you.  I've been saving interesting jars all year long in anticipation of making these things.  You can use virtually any jar that has a lid to make these highly addictive little pieces of art.  There is no set design or theme so they could be personalized for anyone on your gift giving list.  I made mine very traditional with things like Santa, Frosty, angels, a bird, etc. but you could do girly themes like fashion, shoes, shopping or guy themes like nascar, farming, sports or anything inbetween!  That's what I love about making these....well, that and the fact that you can use recycled glass jars and other goodies.

25 Gifts & Ornaments
#14 - Faux Snowglobes



Glass Jar w/screw on lid
Alcohol Inks (optional)
Epsome Salts
Mica Flakes or Glitter
Items to decorate your globe....
Mini Christmas Trees
Metallic Pipe Cleaners
Mini Goodies (santa, snowman, etc)
Ribbons, Fiber, etc
Hot Glue Gun


1. If you have a very deep jar  or a jar with large sholders you can use the White Alcohol Ink around the bottom as I did on this jar.... This will create a frosty look around the edges.


2. Glue the Christmas Tree (or other main item) to the inside of the jar lid with hot glue.


3. Glue your smaller items either around the Christmas Tree (focal item) or if you have a jar with shoulders, you can hot glue them around the rim.  This jar was large enough that I could fit three seperate "scenes".

4. Once you have the inside goodies glued into place it's time to add the "snow".  I am using a combination of epsome salt and mica flakes.  You could use glitter in place of the mica but I like the shimmer mica offers.


Pour in a good amount of salt and mica/glitter.  You may have to test it a few times to get the correct amount.  Every jar is different so it's just trial and error.  You want enough "snow" to cover the bottoms of your focal point and the jar lid.  Too much more and it will look like a blizzard instead of just a snow storm.  Since we're not really adding water it's easy to adjust the amount if it's off.


To see if you have the right amount of snow, replace the lid and shake all of the salt/mica to the bottom...  This is perfect as it covers the lid, bottom of the tree and is enough to just surround their feet...


These are the other 2 scenes in this jar...


5. Now that the inside is taken care of it's time to decorate the outside.  I started by covering the top with more white AI.  I then added some greenery...


A bit of maribo feather boa...


and a few other goodies...


And here is how it turned out....
Remember I told you they were addictive. 
Well, I had some extra snow so I decided to make a few more to use it up!




I hope you're enjoying the 25 Gifts and Ornaments as much as I am...
Tomorrow I'll have a couple ideas to share with you.
Till then ~
Have a wonderful evening!


  1. Fabulous, again!! I have some great jars for these. Thanks so much!

  2. These are awesome Roni! I love this snowglobes. Thank you for sharing withus.

    Elaine Allen

  3. Now, how cool is that?! I love these! I need to start saving some cool jars!

  4. I adore snow globes and yours are wonderful. As always, thanks for the inspiration!

  5. What a great idea. Such love the scene you created.
    Great work as usual.

  6. What fun!!! I'll try to get my granddaughter to make one with me. She loves snowglobes!!!

  7. These are fabulous. Now I must look for something with a lovely jar that I can use and buy it, eat the contents (if it is sweet) and get making. Thanks for the idea.

  8. Those are super! What a nifty idea!

  9. Wow1 I have a collection of jars that would be great for this. Thanks so much!

  10. wow great idea roni!!..tfs..loves ya


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!