
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tim Holtz Tissue Tape "Explore" Tag

Today I thought we'd play with some Tim Holtz Tissue Tape.
As you will see this is a bit of a variation on the Masking Tape Technique I shared to create my School Days Gothic Arch.

Tim Holtz Tissue Tape

"Explore" Tag

Tissue Tape Explore Tag - Ink Stained Roni 001


Tim Holtz Tissue Tape

Distress Inks

Ink Blending Tool


Stamps - Flourish (upcoming October Get Inked Kit) - Queen Kat Designs; Man - Ink Stained Roni Designs; Star - River City Rubber Works



1. Ink up your tag a bit with desired color of Distress Ink - I used Stormy Sky.

2. Stamp some sort of background design...this can be whatever you like. I like to add a flourish or two but it could be something to match your theme, geometric shapes, etc.

(This flourish is in the upcoming Get Inked Kit for October...I'm really excited about this set!)

Tissue Tape Explore Tag - Ink Stained Roni 002

3. Tear off bits of the Tissue Tape and stick on the tag. You don't have to cover the entire tag...after all, we still want the background images to show. Just add bits of the tissue tape here and there.

Tissue Tape Explore Tag - Ink Stained Roni 003

4. Now add more Distress Ink...I added it both by using the Direct to Paper technique (rubbing the pad directly on the tag/tape) and I also used the Ink Blending Tool to smooth it out.

5. Stamp desired images on scrap paper and adhere to the tag as desired. I used a "tin" star from River City Rubber Works and Uncle Edgar from my stamps.

Tissue Tape Explore Tag - Ink Stained Roni 004

Tissue Tape Explore Tag - Ink Stained Roni 006

6. Embellish as desired to finish it off!

Tissue Tape Explore Tag - Ink Stained Roni 005

The tissue tape gives the tag a nice vintage feel while it also adds that extra bit of dimension to really make your images pop!

Variation: If you don't have any tissue tape or plan on buying any in the near future you can still play along!

All you need are a few stamps, archival ink and a bit of masking tape.

1. Pull off a 10-12" piece of masking tape and stick it to your non-stick craft mat (or other non porous surface where it can be easily removed).

2. Stamp desired images on the masking tape using Black Archival Ink. If desired, you could stamp select areas with colored ink but I would suggest not adding too much color so it doesn't interfere with your project design scheme. Let the tape dry completely.

3. Remove the tape from the mat and use as desired.

Now this tape won't be "see-thru" like the Tissue Tape is but it will work to get you going for this design!

Now it's your turn to give it a try!

Hope you have fun creating :)


  1. i love everything tim holtz. i tried making my own tissue tape the other day. i took some of the 2 sided very sticky tape (sorry, i forget the name) and stuck some tissue paper on to it. the first 2 pieces i put on backwards. the 3rd was a charm! i thought it worked out pretty well.

  2. Smashing tag, Roni - love the colours and the tape looks good used that way. LOVE your mat best of all, though - makes me feel at home cos everyone else's looks so pristine and mine certainly isn't. It's well used!!

  3. Hi Roni -

    Fortuitous post. I just recived my first 2 rolls of Tim's tape in the mail today. I had no idea what I was going to do with it, I just loved the way it looked. Well, now I have a starting off point! Thank you so much. And I love the way your tag came out. Awesome!

    Elaine Allen

  4. Fabulous!! Love this technique - very cool background (and can't wait to see that flourish set)!

  5. Great the tape background too.
    Cynthia Schelzig

  6. I haven't got any of this tape either but am going to try and create my own........mmmmmm we will
    Annette x

  7. Tissue tape hadn't been on my top wish list. It is now after seeing your tag. Thanks for enlightening me Roni :)

  8. I love this. I will have to try your technique. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Beautiful tag, thanks for all the inkspiration!

  10. It is a cute tag. I think my kids can make that stuff. I want to thank you for sharing the ways on how to make it. I will teach it to my kids and it is going to be so much fun.

  11. If you put an adhesive on the back of tissue paper then stamped it then cut it in strips or squares or whatever, that might work, what do you think?

  12. waouhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bravo md

  13. I really like this, so cool! I have to try! =)

  14. Thanks for this great technique! I used it here.


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!