
Monday, May 4, 2009

What's coming up this week....

Today was another wild day so I didn't get to the project I had planned....

In honor of Mother's Day coming up this weekend I thought I'd focus on projects you can make for Mom or anyone else special in your life for that matter.

Next week I'm going to continue with requests and share some tips, techniques and ideas working with shrink material (Shrinky Dinks).

I've got a few fun things thrown in here and there to give-a-way as well so I hope you stop back in and check it all out!

Till then...

take care...


have you caressed your ink pads lately???


  1. Hi Roni, I wanted to pop by to let you know how much you inspire me with your creativity and that you are one of the seven who has been given The Kreativ Blogger Award. You can stop by any time to pick it up.


  2. Trine from NorwayMay 5, 2009 at 4:18 AM

    I can't waitto see what you are coming up with.
    Take care


  3. Thank you Roni, as my flu-ridden soul got some paper-candy today in the mail... You are the best ^_^

    Can't wait what you are going to share about shrink plastic - I am fascinated with that stuff. I could do things with it just to sit in front of the oven and watch it twist there, as if alive...

    xox, nunt

  4. I love all your projects and no my ink pads have been VERY lonely but I hope that next Tues & Wed. to change that.

  5. I have just recently started following your blog, and I have really enjoyed it! I am planning on ordering your book, hopefully tonight or tomorrow. Can't wait to see it! Kristy


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!