
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Shrink Charm Examples...

Hey everyone!

I hope you've had a wonderful Thursday! A few people asked if the colored pencils and paints are permanent once the shrink plastic has been shrunk. Yes it gets a little bumpy from smooshing all that color into one tiny area but it most definately is there to stay. If you're worried about it getting scratched or marred on something going to be used often remember you can always give it a shot of clear acrylic sealer. It will protect your charm from any harm.

Things have been wild here so I didn't get as many examples finished as I had hoped ~ I'm going to try to work on a few more tonite after supper (yes, the guys are STILL out at the farm and we haven't had dinner yet!) If I get them finished I'll post them asap :)

Here are the shrink plastic charms I DID manage to finish....

Super Heros!!

If you notice the edges of these charms have a cool postage edge to them. If you cut your image out of the shrink plastic using deco scissors you'll get an awesome finished edge every time. I personally like the postage edge (used here and on WW) as well as the deckle edge cut myself.

shrink charms 004

Wonder Woman

shrink charms 009

Yellow Finch (I think)

shrink charms 010

The Yellow Finch is already spoken for but if there is anyone interested the two super hero goodies are up for grabs!! If you'd like the necklace or bracelet all you have to do is post in this thread or in any of the shrink plastic/shrinky dink threads this week and you'll be entered to win one of them :)

You will have until 5-17 to post ~ at that time I'll draw two winners out using!

Good luck friends and I'll be back with more charms (hopefully soon)!

Tomorrow I'll be sharing a couple other jewelry related techniques using shrink plastic scraps from other projects! Next week I've got a couple more cool shrink plastic techniques to share as well so stay tuned to this...inky channel ;)


Grafix Shrink Film - Clear


  1. omgosh! I so love the bracelet and charms! SOOOOOOOO PRETTY! The superheroes are adorable as well..wish I had some scissors to do that edge! Gotta find me some of those...I am so glad u posted how to do these. I signed up for a charm swap..and now I am sweating! lol...Had a ruff couple weeks and the clock is ticking! I have some shrink stuff somewhere...just not sure how to find images to use..but...I can't do anything til next week anyhow! u fit this in daily is beyond me! I am so jealous...but I would love a chance to win...this is soooooooooo pretty! ty again for a chance at a treasure! Cher

  2. Flippin' far OUT woman!!! awesome charms! I *heart* those!

  3. OMYGOSH! The Super Heroes bracelet is sooo cool! Mind you, I don't really wear bracelets.... The shrinkie dinks come out soooo cool! Yes, yet another item you've persuaded me to purchase.... Like I need any help!

    Impatiently waiting for your book to come out....

  4. OMG I love the superheros I need the super heros LOL Where did you get the images from?

  5. Of course my first thought was Shannon and the WW bracelet! I hope she wins ;) I absolutely love the bird necklace. Where do you get your jewelry findings?

  6. Love all of these!
    Great Work!
    Blessings, peace, and love to you,

  7. I've had my shrinky dink sheets around for over a month just waiting to get inspired to try it - thanks for the inspiration, your work is just awesome!

  8. I really love the Super Hero bracelet and how you cut them out with the stamp dec-edge scissors! I have a few postage stamp rubber stamps that I need to try this with...FUN!
    your Fan, Erin Glee

  9. oh-m-gosh - love, love, love the bird bracelet and the super hero ones are so dang fun!

    Tammy - Roni will answer, of course, but just wanted to chime in that I like Fire Mountain Gems online for jewelry findings. Good stuff, tons there and reasonable prices, IMO.

  10. wow, the superheroes are awesome. i never thought to use my cool scissors for the edges. my mom would love the necklace. i never think to do nice trad stuff with shrink, i always tend towards more "play" stuff. tremendous work!

  11. The super heros braclet is so cool! And the Yellow Finch is so gorgeous!!!


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!