
Friday, May 15, 2009

More Shrinky Dink / Shrink Plastic Charm Examples

I know I promised these last night but the guys got home from the farm so late and we still hadn't eaten dinner yet so here they are now....

Leaf Bracelet

I wanted to point out how you can take warm shrink film and bend n hold... It creates movement and adds to the overall effect. Takes it a couple notches above some of the "kid" type projects. These leaves were stamped with Chalk Inks then bent while warm.

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I have a real thing for eggs lately ~ I love em!

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Mmmm mmmm good!

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Happy Birthday Card

Now, you might think these charms are only for jewelry...WRONG!! I stamped a couple different sized flowers, punched holes in the centers ~ melted & shaped then stacked them and added a brad to hold them together! I tucked in a few leaves and added the butterfly! Very fun and looks awesome!

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There you go...several more ideas to get your juices flowing!!

And I have to LOL @ Brian's comment about persuading him to purchase some shrink film ;) That's what I'm here for - LOL!!!!!


  1. Wow! Great ideas. You got my head spinning with ideas to use the lonely package of shrink plastic that has been collecting dust in my studio. Thank you for the inspiration.
    Blessings, peace, and love to you,

  2. I love the bent leaves. I know I have some shrink plastic around here somewhere... LOL

  3. Lovely Examples! I especially love the leaves!!!

  4. Wow!1 too cool! I love that Soup can!!

  5. LOL! I was eating cereal as I was reading your blog and I spit it out as I was reading...after your comment about MY comment! LOL time to clean my screen off...

  6. The way you curled the leaves when the plastic was warm makes them almost look like glass charms~very classy!

  7. Eeeeeeeeep! Love the flower circles that you put brads into. Gotta make me some of these. And the leaves look just like some beads I have, except yours are more cool. LOL Awesome examples, Roni!!

  8. oh the leaves on the necklace are just amazing! the chalk ink makes for a very pretty coloring and the bending is a super idea!

  9. Love the leaf bracelet! Did you let the chalk ink dry before shrinking or just start shrinking and let it dry as it shrank?

  10. So effective, very impressed with your use of the shrink plastic


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!