
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

More fun with CD Shards... laughing ~ I know this necklace is less than perfect BUT the elements speak for themselves. This was one of the projects I made to submit for the Ranger DT. Everyone had to make a piece of "wearable" art so this is what I came up with. I had never made anything wearable before so it was all new to me. Thankfully the beads & CD Shard Pendent were noteworthy.

Ranger - Necklace0001

This cd shard takes it a step further than the one from yesterday. We're adding UTEE into the mix. Now I know alot of people are unsure about trying UTEE but it's really not that difficult. Dispite what many people say you DON'T have to have a Melting Pot to use UTEE in your art work. You just have to get a bit creative on you use it.

The beads on this necklace are also made using UTEE but I'll show you those another day as they are a bit involved. I've got several more projects to share using UTEE but I'm getting off track here...back to the necklace!


CD Shard
Adirondack Alcohol Inks - Ranger
Clear UTEE - Ranger
Embossing Ink - Ranger
Gold Embossing Powder - Ranger
Heat Gun
Rubber stamp - TAC
Eyelet - Making Memories
Crop-A-Dial - WeRMemory Keepers


1. Cut or break your CD into pieces - be careful as the edges will be very sharp! They will cut me, I know this from experience!

2. Apply desired colors of alcohol inks to the entire shard.

3. Pounce the inked cd shard into the embossing ink.

4. This step is best if preformed using a shoe box lid or something similar. Sprinkle the Clear UTEE onto the embossing ink and heat to melt.

5. Once the UTEE has melted, immediately sprinkle addtional UTEE onto the molten cd shard and continue to heat. Add as many layers as desired. (I used 3 for this particular project).

6. After you have the desired layers of UTEE melted - IMMEDIATELY - press the inked stamp into the UTEE. (trust me, this will not hurt your stamp!) Let cool.

7. Once the UTEE has cooled, remove the stamp from the UTEE. You will have a perfect impression on your CD Shard!

CD Shard Charm

8. Apply embossing inks to all edges of the CD shard & dip into gold embossing powder. Carefully heat the ep. Don't point the heat directly over your image or it will re-melt & distort.

9. Punch a hole in the CD using the Crop-O-Dial and add eyelet. Add to whatever necklace or other project you'd like and enjoy!

Like I said, these beads are also made using UTEE but I will show you those another day but I thought you might like to see a close up of them now....

Paper/UTEE Bead

That's all for today...hope you give it a try!!

Happy Wednesday!!


  1. I think it's a really cool necklace. Especially for your first try. Good job!! :)

  2. There you go being crazy again! Are you kidding?!? Flaws? That is a piece of ART, Roni. OMG! Breathtaking. Seriously - it's gorgeous.

    I can't wait to see the beads, but I've already learned something new. I have a melting pot and, for me, sometimes (ok - MOST times, lol) I get lazy and don't want to get the pot out, heat it up for a small project and then clean it afterwards. So seeing how I can achieve this glorious effect with just a bottle of UTEE and my trusty heat gun? Well, that's very, very cool!

    I love the gold EP just on the edges. I'd never thought of that before, either.


  3. Hi, I've only recently got into stamping and altered art and I've learned so much from your blog I want to say thank you.

    Your necklace is amazing, but then all your projects are.


  4. You all are too kind. I'm glad you like :)

    I know there are lots of people out there who don't like to dig out their melt pots if they only want to make one or two included - LOL!!!

    Thanks Margaret!

  5. Gorgeous...and my favorite colors too! So tell me how you deal with the sharp edges..especially on wearable art. Do you file down the edges...or does the embossing powder and UTEE take care of that?

  6. I LOVE UTEE- it is one of my favorite tools.

  7. Karen, the edges are taken card of when you emboss them (either with regular embossing powders or the UTEE. It softens all edges so there is nothing at all to cut you. That's part of the reason I do it besides giving it a nice finished look.


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!