
Monday, November 20, 2023

Checkin His List

 I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet but I had an idea for the Quarterly challenge over at Gecko Galz and I had to make it now. Do you ever get an idea and you can't rest until it's finished?  Well that's what this was.....

I have been sorting and rearranging my holiday "goodies" and I thought it would be fun to use some of my bottle brush trees, mica flakes and some vintage wooden spools along with some other goodies in my stash to create this little Santa Shrine.

I used collage images from the following Gecko Galz collage sheets...Christmas Scraps (background), Nature's Winter, The Frosty Garden, Natures Christmas and Santa Clause Lane 2.

Hope you enjoy!

 9-23 through 11-23 

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