
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Steampunk Alarm Clock Paper Collage

Hello all...back with photos sharing how I created the Steampunk Alarm Clock Paper Collage I shared yesterday.  To refresh your memory or in case you missed my post yesterday here is what I made...

My original plan was to make a torn paper collage but well that just wasn't happening. I gave up the torn paper part and decided to go with fussy cutting and I was finally able to get it done.

I started out by choosing an image I wanted to collage in the form of a coloring page. This makes it easy to collage because you can choose which details to keep and which ones you'd like to eliminate. I added lots of extra feathers and enlarged some features to make him look regal. When I found the image that most closely resembled what I wanted him to look like I printed out several copies. I kept one back to use as a basic guide. The rest were numbered and cut apart for each individual feather/part.

Next I knew I wanted him to be made from Steampunk elements so I used several Graphic 45 collections - Steampunk Spells, Steampunk Debutante and Rare Oddities. These are my favorite paper collections from them as well :)

When working on a collage like this you need to start with the elements furthest in the background and work your way forward. Of course I created the background first then I started with the feet and worked my way up. You can see here the order of application - Feet, leg feathers, underbelly, back, lowest tail feathers.

I then added the upper tail feathers, wing feathers, top of the wing.

A close up of the wing and tail feathers.

Next I added the breast feathers, 2 layers of neck feathers, face then the comb. 

Once I had all the pieces and parts glued down I added some line work and white gel pen to highlight various sections of my rooster.

And there you have Steampunk Alarm Clock!  Hope you've enjoyed seeing how I went about making him and give it a try yourself.  Have a lovely day my friends!


  1. Nice work Roni. I like seeing the step by step process too.

  2. Thanks for the tut. It's a great cockerel, we only have hens but one lays very early so she's as good as a cockerel but not as pretty as this one! Thanks for sharing.

    1. You're so very welcome. I wish we still had chickens. Darn critters kept getting into the pen to steal them.

  3. love your chicken Roni. hope you and your family are okay. thanks as always for sharing.

    1. Thanks so much Theresa! We're still here a kickin' which is something to be thankful for.

  4. Love the site. Especially, this steampunk chicken. I love creating. This looks like something I can make. I was getting a chicken coop, along with ten chickens, until, well, COVID 19.
    Thank-you, for the lovely off roller stamps you sent me, earlier this month. It really cheered up my day, if not my month.
    Keep creating and stay well, friend,

    1. Thank you so much Michelle. That's so very sweet of you to say. I'm so glad you like the stamps... I hope you can use them. (((HUGS)))

  5. That is just AWESOME Roni. Love it. Hugz


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