
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Happy New Year 2020

Yes I know we're 2 weeks in but been busy busy busy. I have been alternating between organizing my craft room and making New Years cards and getting them sent out. My aunt passed away in December which took the creativity out of me. Instead of trying to make myself finish up Christmas cards I decided to forgo them and make New Year's cards instead.  Here's what I came up with...

Both sets of cards were made using the same basic design, I just switched up the snowflakes on some of the cards. I love snowflake dies so I wanted to switch it up.  I started off by embossing the white cardstock for all of the cards which I mounted on each card base (all in some shade of blue). Then I added the sparklie grey washi tape over the seam.

I then die-cut all of the sentiments (Kat and all of the snowflakes (above - Sizzix; below - MFT retired) from Rinea Foiled Papers.  I filcked the bottoms of all of the cards with pearl watercolor paints then added both the snowflake and sentiment.

Most have gone out but a few are still sitting on my desk. I figure if I send them any time during January it's still good. The year will still be shiny and new - at least that's what I'm telling myself.  I have a very special New Years card to share with you tomorrow :) Hope to see you then!

Happy New Year Friends...
Stay Inky :)


  1. These are wonderful. I would be happy to get a card like this any day of the month!

  2. Happy New Year Roni! I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. That's always tough during the holidays. It looks like you got your creative mojo back with this set of cards though! Thanks for sharing your ideas with us 😍! Wendy


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