
Monday, July 22, 2019

Mosaic Tile House Number Plaque

Happy Monday Friends!

Our local library has a craft therapy session each month (sometimes more than one) and last month they offered a class to make these fun mosaic house number plaques!

I've done mosaic pieces before but I needed a new house number plaque and I thought this would be the perfect time to make one. Of course I made one in blue - in this photo it is in half sun, half shade which is why the last one looks white and the 6 & other 1 look like they are light blue.   I used black grout for this plaque.

I also made a second one using my second favorite color green! The numbers are all beige - (took this photo inside so it all looked the same) and white grout. I thought the white looked better with the green.

We started off by penciling in the letters/numbers we wanted on the plaque; everyone then decide on colors and gathered up shards left-over from a stain glass class they hosted earlier in the year. If you do this get more glass than you think it should take. I was surprised at how much it actually took - far more than I would have thought.  Then you begin assembling it like a jigsaw puzzle. Quite a few of the pieces I chose fit my plaques as is but I also had to break several into smaller pieces to "fill it in". I can't remember what type of glue we used but it was similar to E6000.  

Everyone used different techniques to make their plaque - some people just picked up a piece of glass and glued it on, others took lots of time to fit everything together perfectly... I decided to do something in between. I added large focal pieces that fit the design first and then I went back and took more time breaking and filling it in. It's totally up to you but it did take much longer than anticipated. The original class was 2 - 2 hour sessions. It ended up taking much longer.  We were no where near finished after the first session so we were allowed to take all of our materials home to finish gluing the glass down. 

The second session we grouted them, let it dry a bit and started cleaning them up. I was able to grout and clean both plaques during the 2nd session and did a bit of cleaning up at home once they had dried completely.

This was such a fun project but I must warn you the glass is sharp. Of course I didn't cut myself until I was wiping off the grout along the edge of one of the glass pieces right before we grouted them.. Slit my finger right open. Aside from that it was really easy.  

I have no idea how I'm going to display turned out being soooo heavy and we just had our siding replaced last year. Eric would crap if I drilled holes in it. LOL!!  Any ideas?

Hope you all have a great week!


  1. These are really cool. Great designs and use of the glass. It's not a good glass session if you don't cut yourself at least once LOL. You could drill holes in the slate? and add a nice bit of rope. Or glue some bike hooks on the back and hang it over a railing?? Hugz

  2. Roni, they both turned out gorgeous! What was the base that you used?

    If I made a base, I would install hanging hardware first, before mosaicing. I do love doing mosaic s


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!