
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

New Card Sketch & Examples

Hi Friends....  I hope you've all been enjoying your summer so far.  Time has flown so quickly, it's hard to believe it's already August.

Today I wanted to share a new card sketch I made for the Club Scrap Forum...

I originally made this sketch with the idea that the background would be great to use up smaller cut up pieces left over from other projects.  I have been cleaning and rearranging lately (more about that below) and found a package of papers from Club Scrap called Quads.  Each month one of the kits contains a sheet of paper that has 4 coordinating patterns from the kit in a smaller size.  They are really great for making cards ~ and they work perfectly for this sketch!

And here are my cards... 
I've used all sorts of papers, cardstock, stamps, 
sentiments and embellishments from lots of different kits for these cards...
I hope you like them!


So what do you think? 
Ready to give it a try?

Supplies: - Cardstock, Quad Prints, Embellishments, Stamps
Imagine - Memento Dye Ink; VersaFine Black Ink

MIA...This is very long and boring tale but I just need to get it out....

Yes, I've been a bit MIA this summer...originally it started out because we are redoing how our kitchen is set up...not remodeling because the basics are staying the same.  More like out with the old, in with the new.  We've had 2 Hoosier Cabinets, a computer cabinet, a free-standing counter cabinet and a small freezer in our kitchen in addition to a small round table for years and years.  Since the kids are gone we don't really use the freezer anymore, dh's computer/printer were really messed up and the cabinets have become catch-alls.  That paired with the fact that our family has grown by leaps and bounds we need a much larger table.  

Well, you can't have it all because there is only so much room.  So we started changing things up...first I had to find cabinets I wanted to replace the old ones for some sort of storage.  That was easier said than done.  I ordered some "wood" cabinets off of Amazon which turned out to be just particle board (which I hate) - when they arrived they were broken up pretty bad so we had to return and wait to get the new ones.  In the mean time I unloaded one of the cabinets and had stuff in boxes (all over the place) so when the new cabinets arrived I could put them where they needed to go. Once the new ones finally arrived I put them together and they were cheap but the kitchen had already been apart for quite some time and I was sick of it so they are in.  I then loaded those up with everything from the boxes that was going back in and found places for the rest of the stuff elsewhere.  I am still dealing with the returns because UPS lost one of them (this is 1.5 months later).

We got dh a new all in one computer - got rid of the old computer/printer and cabinet.  His new set up is in the living room and works out much better.  

I just recently got the 2nd Hoosier Cabinet unloaded (yes, boxes sitting everywhere again) and it is waiting to be removed.  Thankfully Mom and Dad are taking the free standing cabinet but it's again piled up with junk from the 2nd cabinet.  Now I have to find places for all of the junk that was in that cabinet to get rid of all of the boxes.  

We don't know what we're going to do with the freezers...plural - we have a small one in the kitchen and a larger one in the garage.  Since it's just the 2 of us we don't need to have half a beef in the freezer would take us years to eat it all.  We are currently trying to figure out what to do with them. So that is in limbo.

After all of these things are sorted then we can finally start to look for a new table/chairs to go in the freed up space.  I can't wait till it's all done, I'm sick of living in the unorganized clutter of it all.  It drives me nuts.

I have also been rearranging my spare craft area with more shelves so I could organize my Etsy store stuff.  I have lots of stuff that's never even been listed because I don't have a good place to keep it all together until now.  I am about 75% done on that front.  Need to get it finished because our furnace is in the same room and I need to get the stuff I moved from one side of the room to the furnace side moved before we need it to run.  

AND we also found out that we are grandparents!!!  Yes, you read that oldest son has a son that turns 2 years old today!  It was quite a shock since we had no clue... name the emotion and we've gone through it.  BUT this has been a good thing, he is the sweetest little boy and such a joy to get to know.  It didn't take long for him to worm his way into all of our hearts. Which is why we needed a bigger table - we went from a family of 5 to a family of 9 in an instant! 

All of this on top of getting 2 new (to us) vehicles, a new living room suit, and working away at our business and the guys handling all the farming.  It's been unreal - I literally don't know where all the time has gone these last 3 months. It has just been a whirlwind of activity, emotions, etc.  So my art has taken a beating as far as time to play.  I have been working on design team stuff and gifts for some people but other than that I haven't had time for much of anything. 

In 3 weeks or so we're going on vacation and I can't wait! I so need a break from it all.  I'm hoping that when we return I can get back into a routine and back to crafting each day.  So, that's what's been going on and why I've been so MIA....I'm hoping as fall approaches things will get back to some semblance of normal...whatever that means ;)  LOL!!


  1. Roni dear you certainly have had an exciting summer and lots of happenings. Congratulations on your new little Grandson. Children are the true joys of life. Your kitchen will be so much better with less furniture. I am living in my home as if no one lives here while it is listed and therefore not much crafting is happening and certainly no sewing as it is all packed away. Summer is my favorite season and it is going by too fast. Enjoy your vacation. Lovely cards you have created. <3

  2. Roni you sure have been busy, love your cards really nice. Congrats on your grandson. Grandchildren are a blessing from God. Enjoy your vacation.
    Best regards

  3. Whew! What a summer! Congratulations on your new grandson and soon to be finished kitchen. You're more than due a vacation and I hope it's one of the best!

  4. I certainly agree to some points that you have discussed on this post. I appreciate that you have shared some reliable tips on this review.

  5. Fun post. Glad to hear, most of us have more in common than we might guess! It has been busy and summer is passing very quickly. Our creative juices are "backed up!"


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!