
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

These are a few vintage Easter postcards from my collection.   
Most are from the 1890's - the last 2 are from 1908.



  1. Hi I forwarded your postcards to show a fellow collector of postcards and he asked the following question

    Have the cards been through the postal services ie

    Stamps,time and date of cancellation, postmark, addressee, messages.
    I understand if you don't want to give out this info but I would love to be able to let him know.
    Love the blog your a great inspiration

    1. Hi Val - The first 4 are pasted down in a scrapbook from the 1890's. I don't think I'm going to try to remove them from the paper as they are stable and in fairly good condition so I don't know what they say on the backs. The card with multiple chicks was mailed to Newark Ohio - March 27, 1908. Green One Cent Stamp - Message - Here are some Easter chickens in case yours haven't hatched - K.E.F. Single Chick card - April 18, 1908 , green one cent stamp. Mailed to Newark Ohio with a message of a very happy Easter to you. From Grace.

      Hope that helps :)


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!