
Friday, April 24, 2015

Creative Medium over Color Burst

O.k..So I've been on an experimenting kick and after I tried putting Color Burst over Embossing Paste/Creative Medium  the other day I decided to try it the other way around and put Creative Medium over a page I had put Color Burst on.  I have to tell you I LOVE how it turned out!!  I am definitely going to experiment with this a bit more.

I started off by sprinkling Blue and Violet Color Burst onto watercolor paper then spritzed with water.  After it was dry I applied Iridescent Blue Creative Medium over a Crafters Workshop stencil and let it dry.  As it dried the Creative Medium sucked up some of the Color Burst and just look at how it turned out...

Tilted so you can see the Creative Medium...

And a close up - you can barely see the creative medium here....

 but a little tilt of the paper and BAM! Knock your socks off color!  Wicked cool huh?  You can see that the Creative Medium not only has the Iridescent Blue shimmer but it also has the Color Burst color coming in as a secondary color....  

just THINK of the possibilities!!!


IMAGINE Crafts featuring Tsukineko - Iridescent Blue Creative Medium; Color Burst - Violet & Blue; Crafters Workshop Stencil; Watercolor Paper; Mister filled with Water


  1. How beautiful. I can't stop starring at it. Those colours really pop and I love them!

  2. That is awesome how it goes from transparent to reflective!! WOW! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I need to get some of this stuff!!! Love iridescent colors!!


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!