
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Pivot Point Inking Technique #2

Yesterday I shared a fun inking technique that was inspired by a tv show....Pivot Point Inking.  Today I wanted to share a variation on that technique.

In the technique yesterday I used a torn piece of copy weight paper to use as the ink line and the pivot point was off to one side.  Today I am using a piece of copy weight paper that was die-cut using a "snow drift" edge die from My Favorite Things.  

And unlike yesterday my pivot point is in the center of the cardstock allowing us to ink completely across the paper.

I started off by inking the lightest color in my trio - Angel Pink then moved on to the mid-tone, inking across the entire piece of cardstock.

And finished up with my final color.

Instead of using the entire panel for a card I decided to use a portion of it behind a die cut panel you see here....

And here's how my card turned out....I finished off the design with a bit of Pico Embellisher in Tuxedo Black to really make the pivot point background pop.

Stamp: Avery Elle

Loads of fun and such a striking design!
Hope you give it a shot when you have a bit of time!


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!