
Monday, February 23, 2015

Amplify Flower Garden

Happy Monday!  I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend.  I wanted to share a card/technique with you that was posted on the IMAGINE Crafts/Tsukineko blog over the weekend....Get AMPed.  All of the projects were created by myself and other team members using the Radiant Neon Amplify! medium which puffs once heated.  

My contribution to the post is my Flower tutorial along with this card I made using the flower techniques shared in the tutorial. If you've visited here much you know how much I love both experimenting and flowers.  Well recently I combined the two and came up with some fun "Flower Recipes" that will help you create an amazing Amplify! flower garden of your own.

You can find the flower tutorial on the IC/T web-site here: Amplify Flower Tutorial

This photo will give you some idea of the AMAZING texture created by the Amplify! medium...

So much fun in a small bottle!

1 comment:

  1. Stunning texture and lovely flowers on your card, Roni, checking Tsukinako blog now..


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!