
Friday, May 9, 2014

A Comment a Day....

will cheer a Crafty Blogger!

I have decided that I really need to branch out a bit so I've started following some blogs (both company and individuals) that I really like....  I don't normally have loads of time to sit and read through all of them but the "blogs I read" thing on my blogger panel helps.  I can scroll down through to see what everyone is up to.

I've been trying to visit at least one or two a day - it doesn't take too long and heck I can do it while I'm on hold or waiting for a return call or while I'm working in the office (we own our own small business so I have office work related to do each day).  

I started noticing that most posts on many of these blogs don't even have a single comment.  Now I know that everyone is busy and is usually browsing on their phone (sorry, I haven't joined the smart phone legion yet) but still...not even a single comment?  It's very sad. Since I create a post each weekday for Ink Stains I know how much work goes into making the project, photographing, writing it up, editing, etc. a single blog post.  It's a lot of work NOT being acknowledged. Yes, some of these artists may only post once or twice a month on some blogs (company blogs especially) but hey, they still put the effort in to that project.   I know it can get discouraging when you put time and effort into something without anyone noticing.

So, I have decided to start my own movement 
(everyone has one these days don't ya know)...  
Mine is going to be 

"A Comment a Day Cheers a Crafty Blogger!"

How does it work?  Simple,  post a comment on at least one crafty blog a takes maybe 30-40 seconds - a minute or two at the most.  I think we can all spare a moment of time to pat someone one the back for a job well done.  Pick a blog you follow all the time, choose a random blog you find accidentally, go to your favorite retailers blog or mfg blog and let them know you like/appreciate their  projects, products (for mfgs), time and money - because it does get expensive to share cards, lay-outs, tips, tutorials, techniques, templates, etc. on their blogs.

Won't you join me by posting a comment a day?

Now if I were computer literate I'd create some sort of nifty button but I don't have a clue....I'll have to see if I can get a computer genius help me out with that...until then, please just spread the word and start commenting!

NOTE: after I finished this post I realized some people might think I'm just trying to get comments on my posts...that's honestly not what I'm trying to do...but I do love them :)  I just think it's sad that so very many crafty bloggers aren't getting the acknowledgement they deserve.  Won't you help me change that one comment at a time?


  1. Great idea! Many crafty bloggers will be grateful for this!

  2. I find that on so many blogs I will type out a comment, respond to a question asked of the readers, input my entry for a blog candy, etc. and at the last moment when I have to 'select profile' they don't have it set up for those of us without their selected memberships. I find that so frustrating that I don't leave as many comments as I would like to. Thanks for allowing us 'anonymous' and 'name/URL' people to comment.

  3. good idea... one reason I never blog anymore is because no one was reading it anyway :-( not that I was that interesting or "important" or popular-- but still I agree. love yours Roni

  4. I figure the people like you who put so much time into doing posts for the rest of us have done enough. I read a lot of blogs daily and try to leave comments often. It's the least I can do. I've learned so much thanks to the generosity of those who are inspired to teach others or even promote their products or wares. Nothing wrong with that imo. I like seeing what is available.

  5. I leave as many comments as I can on different blogs. I do get frustrated on the blogs where I have to enter letters before I can post the comment. Only because I have to sometimes enter the code three to four times before I get it correct. Sometimes I'll try several times though to post the comment and other times I'll just give up. I can understand why people use that function but for me at least it can sometimes be a turn off for leaving comments.

    1. I agree, I myself have trouble with some of those scrambled letters as well...some of it looks like Chinese to me! I like the ones that make you do a simple math problem. It's too bad we have to have security checks in the first place.

  6. I have to admit that I rarely comment any more. I used to when Google Reader was around. Google Reader had that "Next" tool that would take you from new post to new post; it actually took you blog to blog. It was so easy to post comments. I have been using Feedly since Reader went away and it does not offer that feature; I read posts in my feed; if I want to comment, I have to go to the page. I know going to the actual page does not take a lot of effort but when you are following 100 plus blogs it does. I am not even sure if bloggers know I am reading or viewing their posts when I use Feedly.

    1. Yes it was very nice.... I never know when someone is following with a reader...or e-mail for that matter. I forget that not everyone is on the blog page when they are reading it so for example when I say look at the right column for info...I get lots of e-mails asking what right column - LOL!!

  7. I use blog loving and Google and I always try to find the time to comment on others blogs plus I love to follow along a lot of different blogs just to see. When I visit someone and they don't have a lot of comments I try to leave one :) it makes me smile and hopefully the person who created the project

  8. Hello Roni,
    First let me say you have a wonderful Blog, and I have been following you for ages, and yes I am guilty of not always leaving a comment every time, sorry. I do agree with you in all that you say, and I will make more of an effort, one does tends to be lazy when it comes to commenting.
    Have a great day,

  9. I read WAY too many blogs these days now that most of my favorite crafting magazines have gone away, but one thing I love to do is leave comments on blogs where I don't see many. Seeing a blog with post after post and no comments makes me feel lonely!! Many of these blogs have absolutely amazing projects on them and I'm not sure why people don't leave comments at least once in awhile. When I do leave a comment I am tickled to often get an email back from the blogger thanking me for my comment and asking if I have a blog as well. The thought of blogging intimidates me big-time, which just makes me appreciate the time and effort that others put into their posts. Thanks for reminding us all to leave a comment or two every so often to let the bloggers we follow how much we enjoy seeing their creations!!

    1. Yes, it's a sad state of affairs with crafty magazines. It's nice that there are blogs out there to take up the slack :)

  10. You are so right. I am guilty of not commenting enough and I will make a better effort.

  11. I agree with you about the comments, I don't comment enough even though I enjoy it when someone comments on my work, I WILL comment more!!!!

  12. You are absolutely right! I'm guilty here too. I visit and love your blog but mostly don't comment much anymore. I have a fairly new blog and usually I only get comments when I post a challenge project. I only post a couple times a month and get a LOT more visits than comments. I am going to try to get better about commenting. Great reminder.

  13. I will happily join your movement! (Your blog is at the top of my "must read" blogs every day, by the way! )

  14. I always try to leave a few comments daily when looking at blogs. Don't do my own blog very often but know how good it felt to see someone had taken the time to comment

  15. I try to comment often. But one thing that is very frustrating is when you can't comment unless you sign in, or are on google +, or have to type in letters and numbers - which don't show up on my computer. I just abandon the whole thing, when I started with such good intentions.

    1. I have too Noreen...sometimes blogs make it too hard to comment. I just skip on to one that makes it easier - LOL!!

  16. I like to visit a few blogs on a weekly basis and try to leave a comment once in a while. So I'm here to say to you.....THANK YOU for sharing your talents with all of us. if you have a chance please visit my blog.
    stamping sue

  17. You are so right! I allready started to comment but I will do it more often.


  18. I've tried off & on all day to leave a comment on this post but it seems I'm having one of those days when every time I get online, someone in the house hollers my I follow 300 plus blogs so basically I have no excuse to not leave a comment on at least one of them :) But, having said that about the 300 blogs, truth be told, I don't read all of them---only about a handful (yours being one of them). Mainly I subscribe to this 300+ boatload of blogs for various crafting ideas. The blogs I do actually read on a consistent basis is your blog, Jennifer McGuire's, and Dawn McVey's. Oh. And Wil Wheaton's blog---he was in the movie 'Stand By Me'. I've read his blog (on & off) for about 10-12 years. But, I will try to leave more comments on the blogs I do follow---it really isn't fair to the person who takes the time to share projects, take photos, post tutorials and/or videos, and then no one says anything about it. Which reminds me, I do still have to get to your Geli Plate tutorials. I did see them pop up in my feed but just need to get some early A.M. time in and read them (before everyone else gets out of bed). THANK YOU for all that share with us!!

    1. LOL...I know that feeling...makes you want to change your name sometimes doesn't it? Thanks Janine!

  19. Goodness, one more thing.....I know, it's like spam at this point :) There is a great Blog Reader that I've used for years. It's called Bloglines ( It's a great Reader if you're on a Desktop computer. I haven't joined the Smartphone generation yet, either. I'm old school with my trusty-not-going-to-drop-it, Desktop.

    1. roflol @ spam! You're too funny...and no it's not :)

      I'll have to check it out...I too am old school...I actually forget I have a laptop I use it that infrequently.

  20. Hi Roni! I try to post as much as I can on the blogs I read. I have a hard time doing it on my Kindle because I fat finger on the keypad. Hopefully they don't mind the horrendous misspellings! Have a great day.

    1. LOL...I'm sure everyone will forgive you. I'd have the same issue. My kids roll their eyes when I send them a text's either misspelled, has lots of extra random letters or everything is abrev. because I don't want to spell it all out.

  21. I'm guilty of not leaving as many comments as I should, even if I love the post. Sometimes I guess it's just pure laziness on my part. I do follow several blogs, most of which I try to read daily. I, like so many others, find it very frustrating to type a comment only to find that I have to sign in or have google+. I'm not that techie, so I'm not even sure what all of that means! Lol. In such cases, I simply close the blog and move on to the next one, abandoning my good intentions.

    1. LOL...I don't know what it means either and I have done the exact same thing. It does get frustrating.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. I love this idea! I go in spurts posting on my blog, but I hardly ever get comments. They mean a lot to me when I do, so every once in a while I try to post something on someone else's, but now I'm going to set a goal to do at least one each day I read a blog. :)


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!