
Monday, March 24, 2014

Never Ending Card Instructions

Happy Monday!  Can you believe it's the last full week of March already?!?!  I sure can't ~ this year is just flying by.  Well the last week of the month is always fun for me because two very fun things occur....the last Tuesday of the month is Altered Pages "Trending Tuesday" - that's where the AP DT is asked to created based upon a current trend, product or project.  This month's Trending Tuesday cue combines two things I love...collage & stencils!  I can't wait for you to see what I've created :)

The last Wednesday of the month is the Club Scrap Blog Hop!  Another very fun event because if you've ever had a chance to play with Club Scrap's paper or stamps you'll understand how cool it is.  Well this month's kit was based around the theme - Trees!  Today you will get an idea of the project I made because I'm going to share some assembly instructions with you on how to make it....the Never Ending Card!!  This card is a real wonder once assembled.  It offers so many decorating options is amazing.  I have to warn you it is a bit confusing the first couple times and if it's not assembled exactly as shown it won't work so you have to follow the instructions to the T or you will end up very frustrated.  Trust me, it took me a couple times to get it just so.

Now I tried to make this card several different sizes and finally ended up on the 6x6" finished card. I'll explain why later on.  So, let's begin!

The Never Ending Card
Finished size: 6x6

To begin you will need to cut 4 pieces of cardstock measuring 3" x 6".  These could be all one color, two colors as I am using for this example or all 4 different colors.  It's totally up to you.

Note: This is paper from the Club Scrap Trees kit...

Next, score each strip at 1.5" and 4.5" as shown.

Orientate your cardstock pieces as shown in the photo - one set horizontally, the other vertically.  Number the 4 outer corners of each set of cardstock.  You will notice that 1 & 3 are on the outside corners and 2 & 4 are on the inside corners of both sets.

Apply 1" of adhesive to each of the outer corners (where the numbers are) on one set of your cardstock pieces.

Slide the two pieces of light green cardstock together so you have a 6x6 block of cardstock.  To assemble the card you need to match up the numbers - 1 and 3 of the dark green cardstock gets glued to the corresponding 1 & 3 on the light green cardstock;

 2 & 4 dark green to the  2 & 4 on the light green cardstock.

Now you need to open up the card and crease the score lines.  Gently open up the dark green flaps -

and fold them under - you will see that you are bending the light green cardstock on it's score lines.

Use a bone folder to help sharpen those score lines.

Now take the two flaps of light green cardstock and gently fold them towards the back and the dark green cardstock will be folded open on their score lines.  Crease these score lines as well.

At this point your basic never ending card base is assembled!  It's time to decorate...This card offers you 24 different areas to embellish spread over 4 different folded lay-outs!!  That's a whole lot of real estate to fill up.  Here is why I ended up making the 6x6" card.  If you go with a smaller card the individual areas are so small and have funky measurements that it just makes it more of a headache than it's worth.  The 6x6 card gives you large enough spaces to use normal stamps and embellishments without having to figure out how to stuff it all in and the measuring is so confusing fractions down to the tenth of an inch to deal with.

The quantity and sizes the the areas are as follows:
8 - 1.5" x 1.5" squares
8 - 1.5" x 3" rectangles
8 - 3" x 3" squares.

The next few photos are just to help illustrate each of the different elements available for each of the 4 different folds/lay-outs of the card.

You can orient the card either way but I'm starting with the dark green cardstock as the front with vertical flaps. The card front has (4) 1.5" x 3" sections and (2) 3" x 3" sections.

Open the green flaps to open the card up to the second lay-out - notice the two narrow rectangles between  7 & 11 and 8 & 12 aren't numbered.  This is because they are actually part of the next flip.  They do show through on this fold so you may want to keep that in mind when you're laying out the card.
This lay-out has (4) 1.5" x 1.5" squares (in the corners) and (2) 3" x 3" squares in the center.

Open up the light green squares of the last lay out to reveal (4) 1.5" x 1.5" squares and (2) 3" x 3" squares.  Remember the outer 1.5" of each of the 3x3" squares will show in the previous lay-out.

The dark green squares from the previous lay-out open up to reveal the very back of the card which has (4) 1.5" x 3" rectangles and (2) 3" x 3" squares.

NOTE: When you open up these light green flaps you will be taken back to the beginning.

So there you go...assembly instructions and a detailed map of all 4 different lay-outs.
You'll have to wait until Wednesday to see how I decorated my card but I assure you it's worth the wait.
This card is a real stunner once finished ~ people will be in awe once they start flipping and flipping and flipping... well, you get the picture.


  1. Thank you for the step-by-step tutorial, Roni! I'm trying to get brave enough to try this, but I'll bet after I see your embellished Never Ending card on wed., I'll be more motivated to dig my Martha Stuart Scoreboard thingy out and get to it!

  2. Thanks for this! I would love to try this!!

  3. Thanks for the tutorial Roni!! I need to make one of these, fun!

  4. Thanks for this great tutorial! I'm looking forward to trying this.

  5. I saw this card in a card making magazine years ago but the instructions in the magazine were not as well done as your photos and written instructions.,When I finally got brave enough to try to make it, I finally got it after the third one. I ended up with this one like yours.


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!