
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Easter Tin Can Project - Finished!! many people e-mailed about my tease :)  I hadn't done that in a long time but it was fun!  I hope you're all ready to see the finished project...

I added some mesh lace around the top to cover the lip of the can since it was so sharp...I'd hate for anyone to get cut while digging for jelly beans!  At the time I took the photos I didn't have the handle attached.  I was waiting for some beads to dry before threading them on the wire & attaching it.  I'm thinkin' I'm having a chemical reaction because they don't seem to be drying like they should...oh well...I may have to go to a plan B for the handles.

Anyway, here you go....  (the pink really isn't as neon as it looks in the pics).

The front...
The rub-ons, pattern Easter paper n stickers and Dew Drops are from Robin's Nest; Collage Image, tags are Altered Pages, Vintage Seam Binding and lace were from my own collection.

I added bees & butterflies around the sides.

Each of the flowers has a Dew Drop at it's center.

And just another shot of that cute little bunny!
I love this image ~ reminds me of a 50's Easter Card.

So, there you go...
A fun "green" Easter container you can make ahead of time for all your "peeps"!

Have a wonderful day!!


  1. Very cute! I knew it would be. I too love that cute little bunny--I'm a sucker for nostalgic type images from the 40's and 50's.

  2. Just love this, will try to make one as I have a tin ready to be altered, thanks for the tutorial!!!!

  3. so many creative work you've done. I will try myself :)

  4. Like Dinahsoar said in the above post, we knew that anything made by our fearless craft leader would have to be too stinking cute for words! Everything about your design reads "nostalgia"!

    A well worth the wait cliff hanger for sure!!! Thank you for always reminding us that crafting, creating, and exercising our creative brain muscle should be fun!!!!!
    Love ya,


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!