
Friday, December 13, 2013

A few Cards to Inspire...

Just a few cards to inspire you...
A mix of winter and Christmas.

Winter for those of you about to be hit with the white stuff ~ we have a winter storm warning...can't say as I'm excited about the cold (since the temp last night was in the negatives!!!!) but after the teases of less than in 1" at a time I'm ready for a good old snow storm!

And some Christmas
because only 12 more days!!!!

Hope you join me tomorrow for the Club Scrap Gnome Blog Hop!
This was an extra set of stamps/kit and I can't wait to share it with you...
this little guy is just darling!

Have a super weekend everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful cards...I especially love the first one--the girls are adorable and sort of vintage/retro.


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!