
Monday, September 2, 2013

New Look...

Well, I changed the template for the blog...
it was a VERY old template that wouldn't support several of the newer widgets so I changed it up.
PLMK what you think of the colors of the various texts.  I tried to choose colors that were easier to read but I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks...


  1. The layout looks great. The gray background is too dark for me, though.

  2. I changed the gray to a blue grey...better?

  3. I like it but would prefer a slightly larger size text in the narrative.

  4. I like it ....
    I've been thinking about changing up my blog's look ..... just gotta find the time!
    But I like this. Nicely done!

  5. easy to read - thank you.

    the background is a bit dark for my liking.

  6. we sound like such brats! then again, you did ask & we love your blog so its worth it for us to kvetch! I know you switched from gray to blue, but I didn't see the first version. can you try to make the side panels a dark gray & the center panel a lighter gray? thanks for your hard work!

  7. I love the color pallet and the new background, I wouldn't change a thing, I like the dark background with lighter color text of the side panels right next to the middle section to a lighter background with darker text!

  8. I think the change is perfect!

  9. LOVE the changes! My aging eyes had a hard time reading the white text against a black background. I even stopped reading your blog for quite a while because of it.

  10. Two thumbs up on the template change. It has visual interest while still being easy to read and navigate. You have also motivated me to change things up on my blog. I think I will go lie down until the feeling passes.

  11. Great new layout. I love the colours.

  12. Fanatstic look Roni ... love it !!! :)

  13. I think the new look is great! I was just catching up on yours posts from over the weekend and was getting ready to comment on it anyway when I got to todays' post. It is very easy to read.

  14. I like it better than the old template. I always found it hard for my old eyes to read. A fun change!

  15. layout looks fine. the light blue background with the black text is very calming.
    stamping sue

  16. I like the dark blue you use. 3 or 4 shades lighter of the color behind the print would not be bad. I like things that are easy to read - and lots of your readers are getting to where things are sometimes harder to read or see. The larger font you use is good.I use BLACK on a WHITE background for myself. The wallpaper is great for a steampunky, spooky sort of background for the things you make and show.

  17. I love everything about it!! So much easier on my old eyes :)

  18. Love the new look. I had trouble reading the other one.

  19. Much easier for those of us with older eyes to read. Thank you! Plus I like the layout.

  20. I like the blue Roni, but then I am a blue fan. Any chance of getting rid of the recaptha since you also have moderation on. Sometimes it's beyond me....Thinking about the charm swap......

  21. love the look! im not sure what changes you made since my last comment but your blog is not only a pleasure to read now but also a pleasure to see! thank you!

  22. I love the new look. I found the other one harder on my eyes . This one is amazing as I can read it regularly now. I am anxiously awaiting your next posts now as I am all caught up now :)

    Thanks for all you do! Your work is amazing!!!


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!