
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Why Teach? Answers to a few questions...

O.k... I am going to answer a couple questions I've gotten recently and also put on my salesman's cap (which I'm not good at).

Since I announced that I am going to "teach" some on-line classes at Scrapbook News and Review I've had a few people e-mail asking if I was going to continue to blog and/or why I was doing these classes.

The Blog....

Well, let me start by saying that nothing is going to change with the blog.  I'm going to continue to ink it up and share projects, techniques, product info & reviews, cards, and more with you all.  It's what I do :)

You might have noticed that some days I post later in the day than usual but that's because it's coming into hay season and things are a bit busy here around the farm.  While the guys are in the fields I'm doing more than I normally would with our small business ~dh repairs & sells industrial sewing machines + we also do custom sewing for a few of the places we work with.  I usually handle all the office stuff while dh goes on calls & ds sews.  During the summer I have to fill in sewing and make deliveries as well so things get a bit wild here.

Rest assured the late posting has nothing to do with teaching, it's got to do with running out of time in the day for everything - LOL!!  I need a watch with about 27-28 hrs in a day. 

Why Teach???

Now, on to why I am teaching.  I have in the past taught IRL classes here and there but most of the craft/scrapbook stores within 2 hr driving distance around here have closed up shop so I haven't done much in the last few years.  I enjoyed it because I love to share what I've learned over the years and I've been told that I have a natural ability to make things easy to understand.

I miss not being able to delve deep into a particular product, technique, etc.  I've tried it here on the blog a few times over the years but by the time I get to the 3-4th day the visits drop WAY off...  I don't want to bore you all so I try to keep things down to one or two days at the most to keep it interesting, ever changing and enjoyable, which I've tried to do for 5.5 years now.    It's fun but I really do like to immerse myself in various techniques which are just way too time consuming to post here.

I've resisted offers from various places to teach on-line before because I don't like people to have to pay for knowledge.  I finally relented because a) it allows me to take the time and really get in depth on a particular subject and/or technique and share as much as I can; b) I can spread my love for art and remind everyone that they have an artist inside if they could just unlock the key to their creativity and c) the money I make from the classes will allow me to share more with you!  Lord knows the craft fairy doesn't drop free goodies in your lap everyday and it can get expensive - LOL!!  Teaching is a great way for me to be able to do all of those things and still hang out with you guys.

So, that's why I decided to teach @ SNR.

Salesman's Cap ...

O.k... that being said I'm going to try to be a good sales person and tell you a bit about my Adventures in Alcohol Ink Class

It's a very in depth class that is filled with lots of information compiled into 5 different areas ~ starting off with talking about the various products and tools, moving onto basic techniques.  I then share Design Basics...ways to use the alcohol inks to create an array of backgrounds; the class then moves onto A Variety of Surfaces - showing you various techniques of how to use AI's on different materials and how they look/react.  I finished up the class with 8 additional techniques and an Art Gallery showing how all of the techniques can be incorporated in different projects.

I know the class is a bit pricy at $30.00 but there is page after page of information that will be available to you forever.  Once you buy the class it's yours and you'll always have access to it (unlike some other class sites which have time limits).   The class it's self is laid out just like the tutorials on the blog with step by step photos and instructions plus there is also a group/forum that you'll have access to as well where you can post comments, ask questions and share your creations with others.

I hope that if you've been debating about it that you'll give it a shot. 

I've got another class coming up soon ~ Cards for Guys - Non-Traditional Colors.   This class I talk about color basics and how to choose colors to match your images, pattern papers or themes.  We also create 4 different cards. 
So, there you go...
answers to a few questions
hopefully a "nice" salesman's pitch - LOL!!


  1. I think it's great that you're teaching!! It's a shame you have to sit here and explain it....people need to chill out and let you live your life.... :) cheers!!

  2. Your blog followers need to understand that as you become more successful in your field of endeavor opportunities will come your way to expand your area of influence and if you take advantage of it your sphere of influence will enlarge.

    I am appreciative of those who teach for free, share what they know so that others can learn and be inspired. But I also understand there is a huge time commitment and expenses too and if they can get compensated monetarily by teaching then why not do it?

    You have the heart of a teacher and if you can earn some money doing it, more power to you.

    Those who think you should constantly give and never receive are either naive or mooches.

    There are no free lunches--if I am getting something free to me, someone else is providing it at their own expense--be it time, money or both.

    You go girl and ignore your critics!

  3. Did people's questions imply you had to justify your move to online teaching? Call me cranky, but you don't owe us an explanation. This is the best blog I've ever seen, and you do so much for your readers already. I think it's wonderful you're expanding your activity and more people will get to share your ideas. And, yes, that you get to make some more money. You deserve it! You've got to be the most honest, generous blog host out there, and it aggravates me to think some of your readers take this for granted or feel entitled to a specific amount of your time. Keep growing, Roni!

  4. I think it's great that you'll be teaching online, AND earning a fair wage for it! What an exciting opportunity! You go girl!

  5. I realize that time-wise this is a bit late (lol), but I think it's great that you can earn some income doing what you love most! I do appreciate all that you do share with us! You inspire me quite frequently. I say 'go for it'!


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!