
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Vintage Bottle Cap Wire Hanger

When I left yesterday I was waiting for the glue to cure and was figuring out what type of hanger I wanted to use for this plaque.
Since it's for my son (who is 20) I thought it would be appropriate to use a bit of faux rusty wire for a more masculine look.  I just don't think he'd get into fancy fibers, ribbon or raffia's - LOL!!
So I cut off about 4' of wire from the spool, doubled it up and started off by threading it through all of the holes at the top of the plaque.
In the corners I sort of knotted up the wire to give it a used look...
I knotted each corner a bit different for a more authentic look.

I also added a few kinks, twists and knots in the upper portion of the wire and "tied" the ends together at the top.

And here's how the plaque turned out!
a better look at the hanger...

So there you go ~
I hung it up in my sons room already.
The guys (dh & 2 boys) are out baling hay so I'll be excited to see if he notices it when he gets home and his reaction. 
I sure hope he likes it :)
P.S...  I bought my Loctite Go2Glue @ Wal-Mart but I think it's ava. most anywhere.  You'll want to look in the Super Glue area.  Mind you this is not super glue and will not stick instantly which is why I used it....set up time 30 - 60 minutes open time, 24 hour cure time...  I've read some negative reviews on-line because of this but these time frames are stated right on the bottle.


  1. Fab plaque! He's gonna love it! Thanks for the info on loctite go2glue, sounds like what need to use with some of my metal pieces. Hugs

  2. what a fun gift! Great use of those bottle caps :) If he doesn't like it, I'll take it, my birthday is the 22 of June :)

  3. This came out really great, Roni! Hope your son likes it. :)


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