
Friday, June 21, 2013

Time to Vote & Enter!

It's time to place your vote for your favorite project over on Altered Pages Challenge Blog.
If you recall this months theme was
Baby Dolls
To vote you can go to the challenge blog (link above)
and scroll down a bit...
you'll see a section called DT Entries. 
You can click on your favorite to vote.
You don't even have to vote for me ;) LOL!!
At the end of the voting period the DT member with the most votes will win a goodie!
You can also enter your own Baby Doll creation to be entered into a separate Readers Drawing!
This months prize can be seen in the upper right hand corner of the Challenge page. 
It's an ink pad, die-cut and a pack of ATC's. 
if you have been following along on the regular Altered Pages blog section, you'll know that Jean has also added an Extra Prize some fun material that has tiny little cut-out dolls and clothing all over it.  Really cute stuff ~ I'd like to win some of that myself - LOL! 
If you'd like to enter your creation, go to the Baby Doll Challenge Post, scroll to the bottom of the post and you'll see a little blue button that says, "Add Your Link".   
Only 9 days left and nobody has entered yet!!!
Your chances are pretty great of winning at this point.
Good Luck
the design team
Thanks you for Voting!

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