
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June "Hopes" Club Scrap Blog Hop

Welcome to June's

This month we are using the "Hopes" Kit.

I was really inspired by the colors and designs of this kit, the earthy tones and retro designs got me to thinking of the 70's.  I don't know why but I also thought of a "Jacob's Ladder" toy we used to play with during that time period so I figured why not...  I'll make a Jacob's Ladder album/book and that's just what I did!

this way and that album 001
Normally folks use coasters for the base of their Jacob's Ladder albums but they are pretty small so I decided to enlarge it a bit and cut my chipboard pieces 5.5" square.   That gives you a nice space to really work with. 
this way and that album 009
All of the materials to make this album were from the kit with the addition of the chipboard and the ribbon used to tie it all together which is actually seam binding that I dyed to match the colors in the kit.
I used Pumice Stone Distress Ink, Sepia and Monarch Archival Inks for all of the stamping.
this way and that album 008
These albums are so much fun to make once you figure out the ribbons.  That is the whole key to a successful Jacob's Ladder.  My first attempt didn't go so well but since they I have learned to flip those ribbons back and forth each and every time.
When the pages are flipped one way the ribbons show up like this....
this way and that album 010
When you flip it the other way, the pages and ribbon flip flop!
Wild huh?
this way and that album 011
Would you like to win this album?
All you have to do is leave a comment with some way for me to contact you in case you win!
I'll be drawing the winner next Wednesday 7-3-13!
Good Luck
"Hope" you win!!
When I was finished with the album, I even had enough paper to make several more cards for Operation Write Home....
this way and that album 012
this way and that album 013
this way and that album 014
this way and that album 015
I hope you've enjoyed this stop on your journey through the hop...
your next stop is...
Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. What an AMAZING batch of papers! And I LOVE your album!!

  2. Awesome Jacob's Ladder project, Roni! And bonus that you were able to crank out some fabulous OWH cards, too! Thanks for being a part of the hop!

  3. Great project the Jacob's ladder for adding fun pictures. my kids used to love this. And your cards are awesome.

  4. Roni, what a fantastic idea to make a Jacob's Ladder! That was one of my favorite toys as a kid! Love everything about it and your cards for OWH! Terrific work and thanks for the inspiration.

  5. I remember making (or trying to) make one of these back from the Simply Beautiful kit...maybe now that I am a little older and wiser it would go better ;) Nice job!

  6. Very fun album, Roni! I love when I can use leftovers to crank out a card or two. Nice job on the album and cards!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. great project
    i have seen jacob ladders before use to play with a wooden version of these when i was a kid love the idea of having one as a album

  9. Thanks for joining the Hop.

  10. Very clever idea. Will have to try this.

  11. The Jacob's Ladder project is genius! And how kind of you to do a giveaway! Love the OWH cards too!

  12. Great album and love the cards too.

    Theresa aka

  13. Its been a while sionce I have made a Jacob's ladder book. Thats what I love about these hops, always reminds me of an old project that I really loved.

    Great job with the cards too!

  14. The Jacob's ladder album is amazing! I'm going to try it!

  15. Great project. I haven't seen a Jacob's Ladder book for a long time. An oldie but Goodie!! Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win! I'd be thrilled!

  16. Love jacob's ladders and this one is just darling! TFS,

  17. What a great idea for pictures! I really like your flowers too.

  18. Lovin' the Jacob's Ladder. Seems I'm not the only one re-visiting projects that are "oldies but goodies". Great cards, too!

  19. OMG! This kit feels like the 70's to me too! I found some old pics of my sister and I when we were little, they are going on these layouts!

  20. I thought of how retro this kit was too! Got to get busy playing with it!
    Thanks for the beautiful card ideas!

  21. Great idea for the Jacob's Ladder. In fact I have an old project kit from one of the past retreats. I also love the card with the flower! Great job!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Lisa K.

  22. Awesome, Roni!! Haven't thought about Jacob's ladder in a long time. Yours is gorgeous!

  23. Hmm I might try Jacob,x ladder again. I said might!!!

  24. Amazing Jacob's Ladder album and beautiful cards.

  25. I love this album. I see you used the fiber paper, it looks beautiful.

  26. This is an amazing project - people's face when they they open it up is priceless. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the chance to win it!

    Carmen L
    cal8007 at aol dot com

  27. That's a fabulous album! Love it!

  28. I love your Jacob's ladder project! The papers make it!

  29. Jacob's ladder. This is beautiful. Great job with this months kit. Thanks for sharing.

  30. What a cute album!! the cards are really fantastic as well! TFS

  31. Hummmmm. I think I still have the old project of yrs. ago, unfinished, of course. As a toy, it was nice. As a book. 'it's da bomb'.
    I'm on it!

  32. Loving your warm cards for OWH, but oh how that Jacob's Ladder is so sooo cool! I would love to win it and play and flip it and watch it change. Too fun! Thanks for sharing!
    Birdofparadise73 at gmail dot com

  33. Jacob's Ladders were so much fun when we were young! I'd forgotten about them until just now. Thanks for the memories that came with this little jewel!

  34. What a cool idea. Forgot all about Jacob's ladder books. They were such fun. I would be honored to own this album. Thank you for the chance to win it.

  35. I've made a few of those Jacob's ladders and yes, the first one's ribbon arrangement is always a challenge.

    When people see them they are just awed.

  36. What a fun album! It would have my nephew very intrigued so I must give it a try!
    Melitta Ball

  37. Simply beautiful project Roni, and the cards will be well received I am sure. Thank you for sharing.

  38. Gosh after not seeing a Jacobs Ladder for years this is the second one this week! Love the colours you have used. I remember trying to make one of these years ago but it didn't flip so well. Maybe I'll have another go......


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!