
Monday, December 17, 2012

25 Ideas for the Holidays - #12, 13 & 14 Candy Cane Holders & Patterns

Today I wanted to share a trio of Candy Cane Holders...

All of these patterns below can be easily cut from felt, grunge board, cardstock, etc.  depending on your needs.  They are pretty straight forward as far as assembly, the wings of the birds become the holder ~ just glue the top & bottom tips.  The ears of the mouse become the holder on the bottom (more on that below). 

DOUBLE DUTY TIP: These critters can easily be turned into ornaments by simply cutting 2 bodies; add a layer between the 2 bodies, stitch around the edges and you have a nifty ornament that can be used for your tree; added to a package or sent through the mail to a friend!

Here are the CC Holders Photos & Patterns....

#12 - Owl Candy Cane Holder

#13 - Penguin Candy Cane Holder

#14 - Mouse Candy Cane Holder


Now the pattern shows a 1/4" cut near the center of the mouse to slide the ears into. 
Here is what I do to make it easy.  After I cut the mouse out I fold it in half and use my Exacto Knife to make a tiny slit (no larger than 1/4") about 1/8" down from the fold.  This will make nice parallel cuts on the top of the mouses head.  I know it sounds like a tiny cut to slide the ears through but the smaller cut is a nice tight fit which will keep the ears erect and hold the candy cane on the bottom securely.
I'm not so sure making this particular holder out of paper will work very well due to the ears so felt would be the best bet for this project.

I know several people have tried the Owl with great success...
I hope the other two holders will meet with equal enthusiasm!
Enjoy :)
8 Days Till Christmas!!!!


  1. Those are so cute! I especially love the little mouse with the candy tail!

  2. Wow,these are so cute! Thanks for the templates. Thanks for your lovely comment. :)

  3. These are so cute!!! I already printed out the pattern for the owl, and now I'm going to have to make the penguin too! Adorable!!

  4. These are adorable!! Thanks for the templates. I'm going to save them for next year when I hope to have more time!!!

  5. So cute! I remember making these with my Girl Scout Troops when I was a leader years ago. Thanks for the trip down good memory lane!


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!