
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy November!!!

Flower of the month:   The Chrysanthemum.
Zodiac Signs:
Scorpio / The Scorpion, Oct. 24 - Nov. 21.
Sagittarius / The Archer / Nov. 22 - Dec. 21.
November Birthstone: Topaz, Citrine or aquamarine.
Month Long Observances 
Adoption Month
Apple Month
Aviation History Month
Banana Pudding Lovers Month
Beard Month
Family Story Month
Flu Awareness Month
Fun with Fondue Month
Georgia Pecan Month
Good Nutrition Month
Hunger Awareness Month
International Drum Month
Latin American Month
Military Appreciation Month
National Alzheimer's Month
National Diabetes Awareness Month
National Fragrance Month
National Pepper Month
National Red Ribbon Month (anti-drunk driving)
National Sleep Comfort Month
National Stamp Collecting Month
Native American Heritage Month
**Peanut Butter Lovers' Month**
Pomegranate Month
Raisin Bread Month
Daily Observances
Nov 1
All Saints' Day
Day of the Dead
Family Literacy Day
Fried Clam Day
Men Make Dinner Day
National Author's Day
Prime Meridian Day
World AIDS Day
Nov 2
All Souls' Day
Cookie Monster Day!
Deviled Egg Day
Look for Circles Day
Name your Car Day
Nov 3
Cliché’ Day
Housewife Day
Sandwich Day
Nov 4
****Daylight Savings Ends****
Remember to set your clocks back 1 Hr.
Candy Day
Chicken Lady Day
National Skeptic's Day
Use your Common Sense Day
Nov 5
Doughnut Day
Guy Fawkes Night (bonfire night, fireworks night)
Nov 6
Basketball Day
Election Day GO VOTE!!
Nachos Day
Saxophone Day
Nov 7
Hug a Bear Day
Magazine Day
Pearl Harbor Day
Nov 8
National Ample Time Day
Try A New Recipe Day
X-ray Discovery Day
Nov 9
Domino Day
Parade Day
Nov 10
Area Code Day
Lung Cancer Awareness Day
Marine Corps Day
National Day of Play
Sesame Street Day
Vanilla Cake Day
Nov 11
International Tongue Twister Day
Origami Day
Veterans Day
World Kindness Day
Nov 12
Chicken Soup for the Soul Day
Veteran’s Day (observed)
Nov 13
National Young Readers Day
Nov 14
Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
Educational Support Personnel Day
National American Teddy Bear Day
Universal Child’s Day
World Diabetes Day
Nov 15
America Recycles Day
Great American Smoke-Out
Guinness World Record Day
I Love to write Day
National Bundt Cake Day
Nov 16
International Day for Tolerance
Nov 17
Homemade Bread Day
Take A Hike Day
World Peace Day
Nov 18
Mickey Mouse Day!!
William Tell Day
Nov 19
Rocky & Bullwinkle Day
World Toilet Day
Nov 20
National Peanut Butter Fudge Day
(MMMMM, this is the best stuff EVER!! It’s my favorite!)
Universal Children's Day
Nov 21
Tie One On Day
World Hello Day
World Television Day
Nov 22
Cranberry Relish Day
Humane Society Day
Thanksgiving (USA)
Nov 23
Black Friday
Buy Nothing Day (who invented this?!?!)
Cashew Day
Dr. Who Day
Nov 24
DB Cooper Day
Espresso Day
Native American Heritage Day
Small Business Saturday
Nov 25
Month to Christmas!
Parfait Day
Nov 26
Cake Day
Cyber Monday
Nov 27
Pins and Needles Day
National Day of Listening
Nov 28
French Toast Day
It's Letter Writing Day
Nov 29
Chocolates Day
Throw out the leftovers day
Nov 30
Mousse Day
Play Hooky Day
It's time for a November themed give-a-way...
Since Christmas is just around the corner tell us all what gifts you plan on making...  Could be cards, making small gifts, knitting something, baking cookies, etc.  Whatever it is, please share it with us...might give the rest of us a much needed idea :)
You have until 11-17 to post your comment to be entered to win.
I have a nice assortment of Fall-ish goodies ready to send out to one lucky responder.
Happy November!!!


  1. Where ever did you gather all those daily observances from!! Really? Cookie Monster Day!! Wild. Uh christmas. Now Halloween is over I suppose we must refocus. I'm making a calendar, an altered house printer tray (for a doll's house enthusiast), cards of course, and maybe some water candles, cos they are always a talking point and I haven't made any for a while. Off to research Chicken Lady Day. Any excuse for a party........

  2. I like Chicken Lady Day on the 4th... I happen to have 3 pet chickens.
    I will do some holiday baking and plan to try out some candy making too! I usually make 3 or 4 types of cookies to share with friends and neighbors.

  3. I bake goodies to give out with my homemade cards. Since I have to bake "wheat-free" (no gluten allowed in my body!!) my friends & family are usually wondering what I'll come up each year. Most can't tell the difference between regular cookies & the gluten-free cookies I make.

  4. Holy Smokes that's alot going on for all those days ... Toilet day Come on that must be one crappy day lol, and it goes with Rocky and Bullwinkle day LOL but the next one is National Peanut butter fudge day so the world resets lol

    thanks for this list who would have thought so many things where happening in Nov lol

    hugs Nikki C

  5. Oh and I plan on making cards for all my friends then baking up a storm so they all have full tummies :)

  6. Love reading the list of special days! Oh, I wish I knew TODAY was Men Make Dinner Day!! LOL And I cooked! Hmmmmm.... havent really finalized Christmas gift plans, but I always make hand-made cards and home made cookies and candies to give out.

  7. Hi Roni - I will be making lots of cards - and I put money in them for my friends and family - makes life easier for me at Christmas time and they like to go shopping! It is a win/win situation! Have a great week! Thanks for the chance to win some Fall goodies! Gail

  8. This is my birthday month so maybe I will get lucky. I am already working on my gifts. I made a 3D mailbox for my sister and a trunk for my other sister. I am woking on some necklaces for my daughter. And I made a book for my grand daughter that I just need to add photos to. Still more to do. thanks as always for sharing.

  9. I'm going to try to make some homemade money cards (this will the first for me). Just hope my nephews will like them since they are teenagers!!!

  10. I am making assortments of cards to give to the women in my life who are so hard to shop for!

  11. I am making assortments of cards to give to the women in my life who are so hard to shop for! (Why isn't Google asking for my identity?!!)

  12. Well, I'm sure a lot of you aren't ready for the holidays. It seems like they come faster and faster. For some of my gifts this year, I'm paper (die-cut) ornaments, address books, magnetic calendar, cards, and who knows what else. Now I feel like I need to hurry up and get done. Christmas is next month! Yikes!

  13. Wow! Who could possibly celebrate all of those? To be honest, Christmas only took 6 months getting here this year! I am making ornaments:

    and bracelet fasteners (which are easy to make and use only 14 inches of wire):

  14. I'm hoping to put together some cards for Christmas and Hanukkah. And some baking. We still haven't had Halloween yet! Can't quite wrap my head around Christmas plans yet.

  15. I always love your list of holidays. I used to use them at work when I was the "social director" to find fun themes for our monthly parties.

    What am I making for christmas... some cards, some books, some gifty packaging...

  16. Ah yes moving right through the year aren't we?! I'll be making more Christmas charms, an altered clock, cards and a wall hanging or two. Yikes! I better get busy!

  17. I'm planning on making holiday cards for special friends

  18. This year I will be altering a cigar box and creating a mini scrapbook album.

  19. I will be making some cards and i made a few bracelets
    Joan Fiskateer #808

  20. I hope to make a little something every day in December...a tag, a quick mini-book, an ornament, etc. Something quick that doesn't require a lot of thought. I just need to jump in and do it.

  21. My MIL and I make scrapbook pages for each other so I will be working on that. Also, I make a couple of photo books for some family members. Thanks for the opportunity to win! :)


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!