
Monday, October 22, 2012

Steampunk Halloween - October 27th!

I am so excited....
I am participating in a blog hop this weekend that combines several of my favorite things....
Blogging of course
Arts & Ink
Steampunk Goodness
(I added this one myself - or rather my Mom did)
My Birthday!!!
Woo Hooo!!!!
Yes, this weekend I am participating in Leslie Rahye's  Steampunk Halloween Blog Hop.
I so can't wait to show you what I'm making!!!!
I couldn't make just one thing cause I'm having just to much fun with this theme.  I have already got several goodies made and have a couple more in mind so I hope that you stop by at some point and check em out.  I know not everyone is into Steampunk but I think there's enough Halloween thrown in that everyone should see something they like.
I hope to see you then!! 


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!