
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

L'ville/Lexington Here We Come!

DH and I are going to be heading south the end of this week.  It's a multi-faceted trip....  First we're getting away just by ourselves because we didn't get to go anywhere on our anniversary
(Aug 23rd 2011 was our 25th wedding anniv).

We also have a sewing machine to pick up in Indy on the way down and then we're going down to L'ville for the National Farm Machinery Show.  Friday and Sat. we're going to be hitting antique malls & the Horse Park (near Lexington).  We have reservations to stay at General Butler State Park Lodge which is somewhere between L'ville, Cinnci and Lex.   We'll wind our way back home sometime on Sunday.

Do any of you have "must see" places for us to hit while we're down there?
I've been searching but man there are hundreds of ideas on places to go/see. 
I'd like to narrow it down a bit.  I'd love to hear your ideas and suggestions.

Those of you in the swap...please don't worry about your envies. 
My boys will be here so they will be taken care of :) 


  1. I don't have any ideas for you but I wanted to wish you a safe and fun trip!

  2. No ideas from me either but wishing you an awesome trip!

  3. hey, my bro and sis in law recently moved to L'ville. When we were there last we went to "the peddlers mall" out east on Bardstown road. I only got to go in one booth before everyone else was ready to go---but i will go back. Great finds--- some cards (the vintage never been used ones). Got two baby dresses that were hand made and had a note on them from the lady that made them---in 1956, two dresses and the 'slips' to go with for under $20... cant wait to go back

  4. Shout out to you from Louisville! You must live somewhere not far from Kentucky! Enjoy your trip!!!

  5. Natural Bridge state park is pretty cool. Have to be up for a hike though, and I think its at least an hour south of Lexington.

  6. Happy Valentine's Day Roni! Any time you get to get away with your DH is wonderful! Enjoy yourselves and drive safe! Long days & pleasant nights to you both!

  7. Stop at the Dinosaur park for a picture and there is a nice scrapbbok store near cave city I believe! Safe travels!

  8. That will be a great trip! I am a horse fanatic, so I would go by the Kentucky Horse Park and anything else 'horsie' that I could talk my husband into. Have a wonderful time!

  9. Hope you have a great time! Also, I'm sorry but I have to pass on the ATC swap this time. I just don't have time. Sorry. Maybe next time? Take Care.

  10. Sounds like so much fun!!! Hmmm...vintage sewing machine I presume? Well, just think in another six months you get to have another get away on your 26th anniversary!!! Better late then never right? Have a great time!

  11. I know you are going to have a wonderful time. Happy Belated 25th Anniversary! Enjoy!

    Elaine Allen

  12. oh oh!! Inquiring minds want to know: details on sewing machine, please!!

  13. oh happy anniversary! u 2 have a great time...and yes...need the deets...Im looking for a machine too!!!!!!! GMTA! be safe and have funnnnnnnnnnnn

  14. Have a good time!! The Corvette Museum south of Louisville in Bowling Green is really good. They do a factory tour too. I've visited twice and my hubby once. The Louisville Slugger Museum in Louisville is good too. And Churchill Downs has a great tour.

  15. Hope your make -up session for your anniversary was delightful! My anniversary date is very close to yours, but you have an additional year of wedded bliss on me.


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!