
Friday, September 16, 2011

Distress Stain Background

O.K... Yesterday I shared how the Distress Stain looks using a variety of different papers.  Today I wanted to show you what it looks like when you stamp with Distress Stain on the example from yesterday.

Of course you ink it up as desired....  I'm using Mustard Seed and Spiced Marmalade here...

SB - BG Smile 6

Then you simply rub the Distress Stain across your stamp.  You need to use a gentle touch.  If you get too much ink you'll end up with WAY too much ink on the stamp.    After I have rubbed the ink across the stamp I like to take my finger and spread the ink over the entire stamp.  I think it gets a bit better coverage that way but then I also like inky fingers - LOL!!

I should note that you need to let your paper dry before you try stamping.  You'll notice the first part I stamped the paper was still a bit wet.  The images feathered out quite a bit which it normally won't do on dry paper.

SB - BG Smile 7

And here is what my finished card looks like!
Of course you can use any color combinations you'd like...the possibilities are endless!
SB - BG Smile 1

(All stamps are StampersBest)

So, if you bought a couple of the stains to try but haven't played with them much I suggest you dig them out and give them a try!  They really are very fun no matter what type of paper you use!
Have an inky weekend friends!!!


  1. Love how this looks Roni. Awesome!

    Elaine Allen

  2. That's so effective - I now 'have' to get myself some stains!

  3. You are a genius! I don't have any stains....yet....but now I just have to get me some and play! Thanks so much for all your tips and tricks. You have yourself a super weekend!

  4. What kind of paper do you use for the stain? Should I be using watercolor paper? Sometimes when I use my glimmer mist or stains, the cardstock tends to buckle. What am I doing wrong?

  5. Thanks Roni~ I might give this a try an a few of my ATC's


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