
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Charms are in the Mail!!!

I just wanted to let you all know that the charms are sorted, packaged, posted and for the most part all of the charms are in the mail.  I still have the over seas packages to send which will go out tomorrow (my post office is fussy about packages going out of the country). 

And I thought you might like to see a few photos of the process....

The pile of envies waiting to be opened and sorted....

Charm Swap 002

Here is what my bed looked like covered with all of the piles of charms ready to be sorted. From here I picked a random assortment of charms for each envie/person.

Charm Swap 006

And here is the same basket with the charms bagged, wrapped, tucked into their respective boxes or envies, postage added ready and waiting for the maillady to pick them up!

Charm Swap 059

Such a nice sight to see....
I hope that all of the packages arrive quickly, safe and sound!

I will begin sharing the individual charms in the next day or so along with the person who created them.  So, if you want it to be a surprise, don't look at those individual posts but if you are tired of waiting then be sure to check them out....I'm sure you will be thrilled!

I am so happy with how great this swap turned out.  You can really tell the amount of thought and time people put into their charms.  I felt bad for cheating a bit...some of you got a store bought charm from me (Eiffel Towers); vintage keys or vintage zinc number tags because I didn't have time to make 79  individual charms. 
I attached a charm to each of the pins so you will get one pin if you made one set or multiple pins/charms depending on how many sets you made. 

So, there you's all done but for the mail time.
I hope you will enjoy the assortment you receive and join me again in the next swap which I am planning on having early next year (Feb/March). 

Till then.....
Thanks so much for joining in on the fun!


  1. My goodness Roni I cannot even imagine all the work you had to do. Let alone keeping it all straight! I am super excited and will look forward to the next swap. This is my first ever swap and I just know I will love what I receive. Thank you dear...

  2. Thanks for your hard work! I look forward to seeing the charms.

  3. Thank you Roni, a lot of work, I think I would put all of them in a bowl and just start drawing. Like a girl I work is fond of saying "You take what you get and you don't throw a fit." (but I'm glad you take the time to not duplicate any;)
    Thaks again.
    my favorite swap.

  4. WOW Roni - thank you again for taking the time to host the charm swap and for all your work sorting, bagging and tagging! Can not to open my package.

  5. Wow, I can't wait to see all the submitted charms! Even though I'm just an observer, I would like to thank you and all the submitters for sharing your creativity on this blog. It is very generous of you and very inspiring for me! ;-)

  6. oooo come on mail person! I am soooooo excited

  7. They all look totally awesome, can't wait to get them.

  8. Oh so fun to see them all laid out!! I'm ready to see close ups and of course to get my swaps in the mail. Ive had so much fun participating in my 1st ever swap! Thanks again for hostessing and for manning the swap headquarters!

  9. It's getting really exciting now! I am so happy the swap went so well and thank you again for all your hard work hosting this swap!

  10. Yay!!! I am so excited! This is my first charm first swap of ANYTHING! Thank you for putting it together and all of the hard work you did to make this happen! I can't wait to proudly wear my charms!! :)

  11. This is my first swap as well. I am stalking my mail slot! Thanks so much for putting this on. Can't wait to see what I get.


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!