
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Welcoming New Farm Friends

Hi All!

I hope you've been having a great weekend so far.  If you've visited here much you know we have a small farm where we have our Hereford cows.  Well on Friday evening we went to pick up two new furry friends who will be living with us now....

Say Hello to Zeke (Dark Chocolate) and Eli (Milk Chocolate) our new donkey friends....

Zeke & Eli First Day Home - 70911 001

Zeke & Eli First Day Home - 70911 002

Zeke & Eli First Day Home - 70911 003

Zeke & Eli First Day Home - 70911 004

Zeke & Eli First Day Home - 70911 006

Zeke & Eli First Day Home - 70911 007

They are resuce donkeys that have been living at a local horse resuce - Shadarobah Horse Rescue.  Dh sells them hay which is how he found out about them.  They are 4 & 5 year old brothers and came from a sad in a stall most of their life.

I have always liked donkeys and we've had two in the past...Nester and Katie.
Dh always said I could have another when the time was right and that must be now because the pieces just fell into place.

So every now and again I'll probably be sharing photos of my chocolate donkey friends ;)


  1. Wonderful news and photos. We were wondering about a donkey companion to my Fell pony but have no experience with them. Look forward to future posts.

    Janet xx

  2. Aww, they're so cute! My friend just *sponsored a donkey named Penelope from a donkey refuge. I thought that was funny, so I made her a digi of her donkey and a donkey refuge sign and put them on my blog. My friend never ceases to amaze me. She's a cowgirl at heart.

  3. So happy for Zeke and Eli. They couldn't have found a better home than yours! Donna

  4. oooo. I love Donkeys. Have only met donkey's twice in my life bvut they are sooooo cute. The last one I met was named Eeyore---fitting since I have a drawing of THE Eeyore on my ankle. Thanks for being great people to rescue such sweeties.

  5. A huge congrats!!! Donkeys are just the bestest friends you can have!! I'm still waiting for the time to be right to get another one. I wish I could come visit with a pocketful of sweet apples for your sweet new buddies!

  6. Aw how beautiful they are, and how beautiful you are for adopting them,i hope you will all be very happy together! hugs rosie.x

  7. They look so cute and it is good they are together. I am looking forward to more pics.
    Have a great time getting to know your new friends

  8. I think this is one of those things that are ment to be! They are so cute, and they couln't get more lucky to be adopted by you!

  9. Oh Roni -

    They are beautiful! And so lucky they've come to live with you. How wonderful their lives will be from now on. You are such a special person.

    Elaine Allen

  10. Good for them and good for you!! I KNOW they are going to live the best life they can. So.....the day you got them is the beginning of being loved and cared for for them. There isn't an animal I don't love!! There's stamper who breeds donkeys, goats, and dogs. They just had babies.
    She has photos posted and they are so cute!!

  11. Thanks for posting this uplifting and happy story!! They are oh so cute, and you are oh so wonderful!!

  12. What a wonderful circumstance to find yourself in. I love the bumper stickers that say, " who rescued who?"
    Thanks for sharing photos of your lovely new family members.

  13. Such cutie pies!! Donkeys are really good animals... enjoy! We had several when I was growing up... good memories.

  14. Those are lovely news and photos! Thanks for sharing! I find donkeys adorable. And I bet the pair are very happy to be living with you now. Just look at their cute, friendly faces!


  15. I just loev it when things like this happen!! I'm a huge supporter of rescue places for all kinds of critters. That's how we got our Bassitt Hound!! Your donkeys are so cute & I'm sure you'll all be happy together!!


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!