
Friday, June 3, 2011

Third Coast Rubber Stamps!

Woo Hoo....

I got some very exciting news last night....

From the Third Coast Art Rubber Stamps web-site....

I am delighted to announce our first ever Design Team!

These fabulous stampers have bravely volunteered to be a part of the inaugural group. I had over 60 applications, and it was just too hard to decide, so I added five more positions than I had originally intended. Several other applicants will be offered a spot at being a Guest Designer for a month. I appreciate all of the interest in Third Coast and our stamps. Truly! If you missed out on this round, please consider applying for the winter team. I will be mixing things up a bit in December!

Anesha Marshall - Cambridgeshire, England
Donna Cook - Missouri, USA
Karen McAlpine - Michigan, USA
Kathi Rerek - New Jersey, USA
Leigh Snaith-Brunton - California, USA
Lynda Brough - Suffolk, England
Michelle Burress - Florida, USA
Milo Lilja - Trollhättan, Sweden
Stempelientje - The Netherlands
Riet van Zundert - The Netherlands
Roni Johnson - Indiana, USA
Sandra Levy - Paris, France
Shelly Becker - Alaska, USA
Susan Shuler - Michigan, USA
Valerie H. Wilson - Nova Scotia, Canada
And our sole Painter:

Barb Urbassik - Maryland, USA

Doin' the happy dance here!!!

I can't wait to get started :)


  1. Woo hoo Roni!! You and Third Coast Stamps make a PERFECT combination! Oh, you are going to have so much fun and can't wait to see all your awesome creations!

  2. Congratulations my dear. This is an honor you so well deserve. Your art is always wonderful. Inspiration overflows...

  3. What an incredible team! Congrats to all! This team is going to be truly amazing!

  4. congrats to everyone, looking forward to seeing your creations!

  5. Congratulations to you and the rest of the team. I have followed you for quite some time and love your work. Can't wait to see what you do with Third Coast!!

  6. Fabulous team! Congratulations Roni and everyone else!

  7. Sounds like a great team...congrats to all !
    Hugs, Amy

  8. Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you.

  9. Congrats to you, Roni! All your fans are doin' the Happy Dance with you~ wooHOOOO!

  10. Way to go Roni, congrats.
    Can't wait to see what you create.

  11. Congratulation Roni -I am so happy for you!

  12. soo soo happy for you roni..can't wait for the fun to start..congrats hun..loves ya

  13. Congratulations!!! They are lucky to have you!!!!

  14. Amazing blog and stampers!!! I like them. It is very informative.


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