
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Steampunk Alarm Clock Collage

A couple weeks ago I shared this mystery photo of an upcoming project I had planned...

Mystery Fun 001

Several people guessed that it might be watch parts and hoped that they might have something to do with a Steampunk project in the works.

Well those folks were almost correct...
the photo is of various parts from old alarm clocks
This IS a Steampunk project!!

A few months ago I won an auction for several vintage alarm clocks.  I was so excited...I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them ~ I just had to wait till I had the time.   So anyway, after I got the box full of clocks I tore them apart. ~ I kept the shells, covers, clock faces and all non-electrical inside parts....

  Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 001

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 002

Now I know what you're thinkin....what the heck is she gonna do with those grungy ugly things???

A Steampunk Alarm Clock Collage of course!

To prepare the clock the first thing I did was mask off the front of the clock casing and paint inside a nice copper color...

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 007

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 008

After the insides were dry it was time to cover the dingy white plastic case.  I glued a small piece of pattern paper on the back to cover all the holes and text. I then inked the entire back, sides and frame of the clock case using Coffee Archival Ink and the Ink Blending Tool.  Set it aside to dry completely ~ you can also speed drying with a heat tool.

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 013

Next, time to work on the collage.  I figured a great place to start was with a bit of Graphic 45's Steampunk Debutante pattern papers for the background...

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 004

While I'm not using the clock face for this collage it makes a great template for the base for my collage.  With a few notches cut here and there it slips right into place inside the clock body. 

TIP: If you plan on using the clock face in another project it's always good to make a template of the face from chipboard and keep it with the clock casing.  That way when you go to create a collage with the clock you will have the correct template so you don't have to go by trial and error.

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 005

Note: I did mount the pattern paper onto a piece of chipboard to make it sturdy enough to handle the collage.

I inked up the edges with a bit of Walnut Stain Distress Ink and my IBT.

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 010

Then proceeded to pull out all sorts of goodies to incorporate into the collage.  My main image is the Steampunk chick from my March Get Inked kit from QKD.

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 012

After I glued everything down in place I popped it into the clock case and secured the chipboard base with a bit of glue. 

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 015

Now sometimes you get a clock that has a broken bit here or there.  As you can see, one of the ornate corners of my clock was broken off at some point in it's life. 

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 016

No worries... I created this Steampunk Butterfly to cover it up!

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 027

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 032

And I finished off the collage by adding a few more pieces to fill in the rest of the clock body....

Here is the finished Steampunk Alarm Clock Collage...

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 030

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 023

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 024

Alarm Clock Steampunk Collage 018

Fun huh?

Bet you won't look at an old junk alarm clock in the same way again!


  1. How stinking cute is that! Man, oh! Man. I love it and want to leave work (ya I'm 'working') and got buy up lovely discarded alarm clocks. Cool Beans!...KimB

  2. Very clever. Takes your breath away:)

  3. OMG! Who knew that old clock could turn into that gorgeous piece?! Love it!

  4. A very special piece and sounds like you had great fon in creating it :)awesome
    Von x

  5. Your are so right, I will never look at a junky old alarm clock in the same way - this turned out spectacular! You are amazing. As always, thank you for sharing.

  6. I LOVE this! I thought I was the only person buying old alarm clocks in order to take them apart to make something else interesting from them! Anne, yourmainestamper

  7. I love this and you are brilliant with the butterfly. Great piece of art. Happy week to you...

  8. Love your project- love everything about it!

  9. What a gorgeous piece of art, & you're right, we'll never look at an old clock the same way again :)

  10. AWESOME Roni! I love how this looks. This really looks like a fun project to do. I think I'm going to have to visit a few thrift stores!

    Elaine Allen

  11. Wow Roni...this is FABULOUS!!! I would never have thought to use archival ink to change the color of white plastic!!! And that collage is just amazing. You are always coming up with the most creative surprises!!

  12. this project is so cool!! to look for junky clocks in the thrift store to tear apart... lol!!

  13. LOOOOOOVE IT !!!! Roni this is awesome...

  14. Wow, absolutely gorgous. You make me want to go and make things, and considering I haven't finished off my collage bookI am trying to finish old projects before starting more.

    You are such an inspiration Roni, thanks for sharing.

  15. Roni, this is the most beautiful creation!!! I swear, you really can turn trash into treasure!!

  16. To yard sales I go!Another fab idea.

  17. This is absolutely beautiful.The way you show your work in progress is so awesome, I am getting so much from you, you have no idea. Thanks a million, Dawn.


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!