
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Twisted Wire & Paper Charms

Today I have a really fun and totally unique charm for you to try...
Twisted Wire and Paper Charms!

These babies are so much fun because no charm will ever be exactly the same and it uses items that are in your stash already!  When I started thinking about these charms I originally had in mind a leaf shape but as you will see the ideas grew from there.  You're not limited by the shapes I share below...the sky is the limit.  If you can dream it and twist the wire into that shape it's fair game!

NOTE: I was trying to hurry so some of the pics didn't turn out very good which is why there aren't many with this tutorial.  I will try to remake & take more pics possibly later this week.


Wire (any gauge)
Glossy Accents or Similar Medium
Paper Ephemera ~ Dictionary Pages, Book Pages, Sheet Music, Map Pieces, even pattern papers if you like.
Embellishments (optional) - seed beads, mini gears, glitter, etc.


1. Twist wire into desired shape.  I started off with a leaf shape but then I made a curly leaf, a bird wing and a couple sets of butterfly wings.

KEEP IN MIND: If you are going to use this wire & paper shape as an embellishment you don't need to worry about adding a hanger.  If it's going to be a charm be sure to add a loop in the wire for hanging.

2. After you have twisted the wire into the desired shape you will need to make sure it is pretty flat.  You can flatten the piece several different ways: 

* Place the wire shape on your work surface and stack several books on it and leave it for a couple hours until it flattens out and stays there.  

* Run it through your die cut machine with enough blocks/plates to ensure it gets smooshed flat.

* Bend it and manipulate it until it's pretty flat (that's what I did)

3. Lay the twisted wire pieces onto your paper ephemera. 

4. Fill each shape with Glossy Accents.  I found that it worked best if I ran a small bead of GA around the inside edges of the wire and let it dry for a couple minutes.  I then went back and filled in the entire piece.

Don't worry if some of the Glossy Accents runs out under the edges.  You can cut off the excess later.

 Wire Wing Charm 1

5. (optional) If you would like to add a bit more interest to your charm/embellishment you can do so quite easily.  After you have filled the wire shape with GA, let it dry for a minute or so then drop in desired extras.  Here I am using watch gears but you could also add seed or micro beads, glitter, tiny screws, faux gemstones, seed pearls, etc... 

Wire Wing Charm 3

6. Let the charms dry completely.   You may be tempted to mess with them before they are dry...DON'T!  You could easily mess it up and have to start all over again.  (don't ask how I know this!)  Leave it set until the Glossy Accents is completely clear.  Several hours to over night is best.

7. Trim the charms from the paper ephemera.  Cut as close to the outside of the wire edges as possible. You can easily trim through excess Glossy Accents as long as your shears are sharp.  I like to use my Fiskars Micro Tips because they stay very sharp and can get in all of the small areas around the twisted wire.

and here is how they turned out....

Wire Wing Charms 001


Wire Wing Charms 003

Geared Wing...

Wire Wing Charms 002

And here are the butterfly wings. 
I have a plan for these that I'll be sharing with you in a day or so ;) 
I think you'll like where they end up!

Wire Wing Charm 5

Told you it was easy!
Now it's your turn!


  1. Completely cool idea, Roni. Can't wait to see what you do with the charms! Thanks so much for the tut.

  2. So cool! Thanks for sharing that! I've got some ideas swirling from these!

  3. what a fun and easy idea. i will definitely use this.

  4. Fantastic charms!!! Thank for sharing!

  5. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooo great fun, going to have a play

  6. Very cool. You share so many things with us! I love checking out your blog every day. I've got 2 sets of charms to send to you already. I may have to make some more!

  7. Fun, fun, fun. I don't think you need any more pictures - it's just fine with what you have.

  8. Another great idea Roni. You amaze me! Your charms are beautiful!

  9. This is such a fun and cool idea! Thank you Roni! I'll have to try this... but I'm reeeeeeallllly bad at handling wire--I dunno if I'll just opt for some extremely simple shapes, like a wobbly something that almost(!) looks like a circle... because I know what usually happens if I set my aims higher when working with wire. Hah!


  10. Hi Roni

    Thanks for this freat tutorial!

    Have a nice week

  11. Way, way cool! Can't wait to try this. I love wire and ephemera and have plenty. Just need to find the Glossy Accents. Thanks a bunch. Your charms have been inspiring.
    ~ Suzanne

  12. Ingenious Roni !!! :)
    Thanks for the tut

  13. What beautiful charms; so many possibilities! I am definitely trying this idea. Thanks, Roni!

  14. You are so creative. Thanks for the great idea. Off to play.

  15. What a Great Idea, and Why didn't i think of That??????
    Can't wait to try this at home!!! HA!!! Patti

  16. I love them! Going to try some tonight!

  17. This is fantastic - can't wait to try it! It's so perfect for steampunk with the gear variation, too!

  18. well i'm in awe!! you come up with the neatest it..can't wait to try this for sure..
    my charms for the swap are being ppstal tomorrow..hope u like..tfs..loves ya

  19. OMG! I can't wait to try this! How cool these look!

  20. These are WONDERFUL! So glad to have found your blog. I am inspired!

  21. wouldn't these make great flowers? I love it!

  22. What a great idea - thanks for sharing!

  23. Hi Roni -

    These charms are just so awesome! What a neat idea! I love the idea of dropping little things inside the pieces. Neat! I also got a chuckle at your advice not to touch until dry. I'm gathering you did, thus your sage advice - LOL! Thanks for sharing with us.

    Elaine Allen

  24. Oh man..these are really cool! Love the butterflies & can't wait to see what you do with them!! :)

  25. everytime i see your blog has a new post when I open up my google reader I know its going to be an interesting one. lvoe these

  26. Wow, this is so cool! Simple yet fabulous idea!

  27. thanks for sharing
    looks like fun

  28. These are FABULOUS! You have given me my inspiration for today! Thank you!

  29. You are a genius. Love the idea, my head is spinning as to where I can go with this! Thank you for sharing.

  30. I am in love!! Thank you for sharing this!!

  31. These are so cool! Thanks for the tutorial on it :)

  32. Thanks for the great tutorial - love this - I have some 6-8 wings waiting for me to complete them - now I have an idea how to do it....

  33. This is so cool! I'm going to link this on my blog! Thanks for sharing!

  34. What a great idea. I can hardly wait to try it.

  35. OH my Roni, you have stunned me.
    This is so cool. Thank you for sharing this. Off to go give it a go. I knew I had wire in my stash for a reason.

  36. Thanks so much, I love the charms, so had to try them!

  37. Very cool!! I am off to buy some Glossy Accents!! I know where my butterfly will go!!;>)

  38. This is sooo cool! It reminds me of a craft I did as a kid. Can't wait to try this. I love it. Thanks for sharing.

  39. Love this idea ;-)
    Thanks for sharing.


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