
Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy November!

Holiday’s & Observances

Birthstone – Topaz or Citrine

Flower - Chrysanthemum

Signs –

10-23 through 11-21 – Scorpio

11-22 through 12-21 – Sagittarius

Monthly Observances –

Adoption Awareness Month

Alzheimer's Disease Month

Apple Month

Diabetes Awareness Month

Drum Month

Family Stories Month

Native-American Heritage Month

National Fragrance Month

National Peanut Butter Lovers Month

National Red Ribbon Month (Anti-Drunk Driving)

National Stamp Collecting Month
(I know it's not the same but I think we can use this for us Inky folks too ;) lol!!!)

Daily Observances –
(I tried to incorporate some International Holidays for all my over-seas friends too!  They are a bit harder to find so if you have any suggestions just let me know and I'll put it on the list.)

1 – All Saints Day

1 - Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead – 10-31 thru 11-2)

1 – National Authors Day

2 – Digital Scrapbooking Day

2 – Election Day (US)

3 – Housewife’s Day

3 - Sandwich Day

3 – All Saints Day (Sweden)

3 – Culture Day (Japan)

4 – National Candy Day

4 – National Men Make Dinner Day (woo hoo!!!)

5 – Guy Fawkes Day & Bonfire Night (UK)

5 – National Doughnut Day

6 – Sadie Hawkins Day (Girls, start your engines!!)

6 – National Nachos Day

6 – Hug a Bear Day

7 – Magazine Day

7 – International Tongue Twister Day

7 – Daylight Savings Ends (US)

8 – World Orphan Day

9 – National Young Readers Day

9 – Parade Day

10 – Marine Corps B-Day

10 – For-Get-Me-Not Day

11 – Veterans Day (Thank You!!!)

11 – Remembrance Day (France & Canada)

11 – Independence Day (Poland)

11 – Origami Day

12 – Domino Day

13 – World Kindness Day

14 – National American Teddy Bear Day (this is for Molly!)

15 – America Recycles Day

15 – Kings Birthday (Belgium)

15 – Republic Day (Brazil)

16 – National Day for Tolerance

17 – Homemade Bread Day (mmmmmmm!!!!)

17 – National Baklava Day

17 – World Peace Day

18 – Great American Smoke Out!

18 – Mickey Mouse’s Birthday (Woo hoo!!!)

19 – World Toilet Day (hmmmm, why do we need a day for toilets?!?!?)

20 – Children’s Day

21 – World Hello Day

21 – World Television Day

22 – Humane Society Anniversary Day

23 – National Eat a Cranberry Day

24 – DB Cooper Day

24 – National Espresso Day

24 – Tie one on Day (please don’t drink & drive!)


26 – Black Friday (shop till you drop!!)

26 – Cake Day

27 – National Native American Heritage Day

28 – National French Toast Day

28 – Letter Writing Day

29 – E-mail Greeting Day

30 – Computer Security Day

30 – Bonifacio Day (Philippines)

30 – St Andrews Day (Scotland)

30 – Play Hooky Day

Here's to another great month!


  1. Gotta love your take on Stamp Day (grin). And there are some really clever holidays you have found. A few years ago, I was in a monthly "weird holiday" swap. It went on for a year and there were 12 of us. I don't remember what month it was, but my favorite was "different colored eye" day. I even STAMPED (shock) a face and added two colors of rhinestones to the ATC. That's about all I remember!

  2. What a nice way to greet the month
    Nice job


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!