
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Life get's in the way...

I thought I'd check in and let you know I didn't forget you!

I went with dh to a business in Ohio that is in the process of going out of business.  We bought several items for our business AND I got some good stuff I can use for crafting!!! 

Stuff for the business is boring but on to the fun stuff.... My goodies...a bit of felt (white, black and orange), some neat material that is satin on one side with an adhesive (iron on) backing.  I also got a WHOLE box full of buttons (red, green, forest, blue, clear, grey) ~ it's about 40lbs of buttons actually and a box of continuous tags...I'm thinkin they will be perfect for a tag accordion book!     Of course I will share with you guys and I will also be posting some for sale on my Etsy store too :)

So...up at 5:30a.m. and just got home...I'm pretty wiped out and will share the mystery technique tomorrow afternoon.  Tomorrow a.m. is Just For Fun rubber stamps Friday too!!

See you then!


  1. Sounds like you had a fun day.

  2. Hi Roni -

    Looks as if you had a productive day? The goodies you got sound really interesting, especially the tags.

    Elaine Allen


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!