
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Supply Alternatives!

I know I've talked about alternatives to the more expensive embellishments sold in the card/scrapbook sections of craft stores but I recently found an alternative to one of my alternatives - LOL!!

I'm sure you've all seen those straight pins with the fancy tips tucked into ribbons or bows. Well the ones sold in the scrapbook/card crafting section are something like $4.00 - 6.00 for 5 or 6 pins!!!

WAY more than I want to spend!!!!

I had been buying some pretty cool straight pins offered in the sewing - quilting section of the store. Still a bit salty @ $6.00 for 100 but far better than the scrapbook/card pins.

WELL ~ I found an even better deal on the pearl tip pins... Look in the floral section of your craft store!!! I bought this huge package of 144 pearl tip pins for $3.99 ~ a fraction of the cost of the quilting pins. I was so excited...they even come in various sizes ~ I think if I remember correctly anywhere from 1.5" - 3" long.

Chalk 005

The other pins (hearts & leaves) were hidden in a section of the sewing section not by the straight pins....I suppose they wanted people to buy the quilting ones instead ;)

TIP: If you'd like colored pearl pins just add a dab of Alcohol Ink in the desired color!

During the same trip I found a fun alternative in a couple of other surprising places....

I found these two packages of metal "thank you" tags ~
the large Wilton tags were actually in the baking section 12 - $1.99
the smaller Victoria Lynn tags were in the wedding area 20 - $2.99!!
I can't believe how much cheaper they are than the normal $3.00 - 5.00 for the scrapbook/card making tags.

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If you recall, I put both the pins and tags to use on one of yesterday's chalk cards....

Betcha didn't even know the difference did ya? ;)

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So, if you haven't taken a spin around your local craft store lately you might want to take a bit of time and see what you can find.

You might just be surprised at the amazing deals you can find in places you wouldn't normally visit!


  1. Fantastic finds, Roni!! Yes, the price of embellies makes me shudder sometimes! I actually have those little heart pins... now I'm going to have to roam the sewing aisle, too. Thanks for the tips! :)

  2. really neat Idea to look in the other sections!! thanks for sharing

  3. Awesome ideas Roni. I often buy the cheapo pack of bulk straight pins and glue on a small button for the decoration.
    Also dont forget to check the office stores for some really neat clips and doodads. Ribbon is also way cheaper in the sewing section.

  4. I often make little shrink plastic goodies and glue them on my pins.

  5. Like I said the other day...You offer so many things on your blog!! I am all for saving $$. I shop all over stores for embellies or things to use in place of the high dollar stuff! Thanks again, Roni!!

  6. I have a BIG saver to share. I bought the Stampin' Up sanding blocks to rough things up a bit on my cards. I was really happy with them until I went to a beauty supply store. In the manicure section, I could buy sanding blocks of all kinds of roughness for around a $1.00 -- no one near the $2.50 I paid at Stampin' Up.
    So, yeah, keeping your eyes open everywhere you go will save you boodles!


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!