
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Christmas Fun!!

What do ....

a pile of buttons

an old artificial Christmas tree


a few spools of thread have in common???

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Well you can combine them to create a fun Forest of Button Trees which can be seen in Publications International, Ltd.'s new magazine ~ Christmas Food, Fun and Crafts!!!

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It is actually my contribution to this neat little holiday magazine filled with neat holiday crafty projects and loads of great recipes just in time for the holidays.

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This magazine can be found soon in supermarkets and other stores in/near the newsstand or check out lanes for a limited time.


I am going to share a few early release copies with you!
All you have to do is tell me what you're planning on making for the holiday season ~ it could be cards, special treats, good foods, hand-crafted gifts, etc.
Or maybe you have a special holiday tradition you will be participating in? Baking cookies with friends, sending a holiday newsletter to relatives out of state, ????

Just post a comment here telling me what you're planning on making or share your holiday tradition
you'll be entered to win one of 5 copies I will be giving away!!
You have until 10-25 to post at which time I'll randomly draw the winners :)

Good Luck Everyone!!!


  1. I will be maing some minis, some decorations and im sure some cookies!!!

  2. Roni, every year for the past 20+ yrs I have hostessed a Christmas cookie and craft swap. We each make 1/2 dozen goodies to trade and one Christmas craft to give to each guest. Many years we make 1-2 of the crafts during the party. I sure could use some nifty ideas for this swap. After 20+ years, I'm in need of some fresh ideas!

  3. We, as a family, do what we call Shiny Bags - about 4 weeks before Christmas we all pick a name out of a hat and then buy little gifts to fill a shiny bag for that person. It followed on from what used to be our "Stockings" and we all enjoy it - usually putting a couple of silly things in along with a special gift

  4. My granddaughter is coming for Christmas to visit this year.She is college in Texas and we live in Washington. I hope it snows for the holiday so she can see real snow. She has always lived in hot states without snow. I am going to find fun things to do with her while shes here.
    Pattyjo :+)

  5. My holiday will be very special. I am reuniting with my siblings after a three year "fall out." We started talking again via Facebook and by the grace of God and the internet we've decided to make a fresh start. We are all so excited. I almost feel like a child again. I'm going to treat them to my new favorite cake...a Hummingbird Cake. Money will be short but food and laughter will be plentiful.

  6. I will be making those adorable button trees. Love them! Will also make an advent calendar.

  7. We always spend the holiday together as a family. We have several recipes that we save just for Christmas. This year I will be making several Christmas gifts,as usual. I am going to alter a canvas and I am also making several mini albums. I just love Christmas time!!

  8. oh these are such fun .
    I am making altered dominos, mini calendars, birthday calenders, and will be baking special cookies to give away

  9. I have already started making Christmas cards and some gifts. I love making things for my Christmas gifts.

  10. Those are the cutest trees. I should probably take my mini-tree that I used to keep on my desk and is now falling apart and turn it into this spunky little tree. Great idea.

    This holiday I'm making some Photo CD cards, stockings for my neighbors door and I think some cookies.

  11. This year (like the last three) I will make ornaments with my grandson. We always include his picture on them. 2005 was the first year we did it - only about two weeks before he turned one! (He sprinkled glitter!

    This year we'll paint old jigsaw puzzle pieces with green glittery paint, glue them to cardboard "donuts" add embellishments (and the pic in the center).

  12. Love the button tree Roni!

    I have already made 5 calendars, two more to go, a snowball bucket,
    Christmas canvases, Christmas ornament using ribbon spools and Dynowriter spools, am making oversized tags for the packages that have to go in the mail, Christmas cards of course, matchbox ornaments, will be baking cookies with my daughter and granddaughter, will be making carmel corn to send to son and family, usually make ornaments for grandkids (need an idea yet), not sure what else!

  13. I'm making a calendar for my card club...each month will have a picture of the person who is hostess of the month. KRINKLE


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!