
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mystery Background Technique...

Hey Everyone!

I hope you've had a great day today...I was very busy. I know I mentioned a new craft studio before but I don't know if I explained how I was getting it... I am going to be changing rooms with my oldest son (21 in July) ~ he's not home much anymore so he mostly just sleeps in his room through the week (at his girlfriends on the weekend) and eats here.

Soooo in order for the switch to happen there is a lot of work going into it before I started some of that work. I started sorting out/cleaning his room....OMG what a mess ~ he is SUCH a slob and since he's never home he just throws things then leaves. Long story but his room is a total wreck. I got through the whole room today ~ all of the stuff he wants to keep is boxed up and everything else is boxed for storage or a garage sale (yes I know...ANOTHER garage sale ~ my mom's idea).

The next big hurdle will be painting his room (currently John Deere Green & Yellow!!!), pulling up the carpet and laying tile. I have to first decide what color of paint to use in the room...(See the poll to the right)...What color is your craft area/studio? I've heard that some colors make the light reflect differently on the project you're working on creating a false color?!?!? Anyone else ever hear anything like that? I don't want to choose a color that is going to distort my color choices so I don't know what to do. At the moment I'm thinking of just painting it white but I just don't know. I've tried searching the net for info about it but I suck at searches...I can never find anything I want to looks for and lots of stuff I don't want. I'd love to hear your suggestions/thoughts/ideas! If you have pics of your area I'd love to see those too!!

Now, since I worked on Ben's room all day I didn't have a chance to finish the technique I wanted to share with you today so I thought I'd post a shot of it and see if you can guess what it is or how it's made....


Here are two pics of the same with the flash, one w/o.

What do you think I used to create this background????

mystery background009

mystery background001

Any ideas?!?!?!

Be sure to check back tomorrow to find out just how it was made!!

Till then friends, have a crafty time of it :)


  1. I haven't a clue, but I'm very intrigued. Looks good, the second one looks like there is an eye in the middle.

  2. Hmmm marbeling? Or perhaps in the as in the above post the mystery eye technique. Don't try this at home? Ha...

  3. I know!! One of my all time favs! Heated Pearls....with glue and powdered pigments. So fun...everyone is going to love this tech! Am I right??]

  4. Dont know but hoping I have the stuff to do it too. I HAD to go buy Gesso yesterday HAHA

  5. I voted shades of green - calming and outdoor like! But as talented as you are you could create in a black and white polka dot room! :-) I hope you didn't find anything scary in Ben's room (like a green pizza or something like that.) I'm so stinkin' excited for you. I know the room will be amazing and a sanctuary for you! :-)

    Oh and no clue about the background - melted crayons maybe? Teehee! Just kiddin!

  6. It looks like pigment powders with glue, thinking gesso since it's been your thing recently...heat set to make it bubbly. I love that technique.

  7. Tissues, inks, floor polish maybe some EP or some water colour crayon pieces. Or something totally different LOL. I'll be interested to see tomorrow.

  8. I'd say alcohol ink covered with heated utee on a gesso background. Whatever it is, it's great!

  9. Ooooh - great idea Smullis. Like the gray idea for a nice, neutral b/g.

    And as for the technique, and the self-professed queen of techniques, I fell down miserably on this one. I have no stinkin' idea!!


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!