
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Scrapbook Lay-outs ~ Some of my Fav's

I hope you all had a wonderful National Scrapbook Day yesterday! The weather turned out nice (after the weatherman called for rain all week) so we ended up spending most of the time outside working in the yard and garden.

I missed posting some of my favorite scrapbook lay-outs so I thought I'd share them today...

These are just an assortment of lay-outs I've made over the last few years ~ no, they are not trendy, no they aren't full of "white space" and no they aren't any show stoppers but I like them and they are very me.

Something I hear over and over from people about scrapbooks is they are so intimidated by it or get discouraged because they don't have the newest goodies to follow the latest trends or they don't have the right photos to make it look like the mags, etc. I always tell them the same thing ...

DON'T worry about what everyone else is doing....


Don't let others dictate how you scrapbook, craft or anything else...

If you like it then it's right...

Most of the time what you see in the magazines are trends that have been manipulated by retailers or mfg. anyway so it's just a trap to get you to buy more "stuff" and we all know that if we're honest we've got enough "stuff" to last us years - LOL!!! I know I do!

So, I say again, if you enjoy what you're doing and you like the results then go for it!!

It took me a long time to realize that but once I did I enjoyed scrapbooking sooooo much more. I also stopped submitting to magazines as well ~ they weren't interested in any of my lo's because it wasn't the hottest, trendiest, new thing on the market and I'm not changing just for them ;) So thumb your nose at the establishment and do your own thing! You'll be far happier for it!

Anyway, here are some of my fav's....

My Sweetie...

lo's 001

My puppy...

lo's 002

Me when I was little...

lo's 004

My Mom and I....

lo's 005

My Guys...

(they hate this lo cause they are in their bathing suits - LOL!!!)

lo's 008

More of my guys...

lo's 009

This was one of the trees we decorated for a local charity tree walk ~

it was all black and white, feathers, and pearls.

lo's 010

A friends little girl... isn't she a sweetie!!

lo's 011

a zoo lo (I love zoo's!!)

This one happens to be Louisville KY Zoo...

lo's 006

lo's 007

And finally me now...

It says ~ "I am a Paisley Person in a Striped World!"

lo's 003
So a day late...


Will be back soon with a couple winners so be sure and stop in a bit later...


  1. "So thumb your nose at the establishment and do your own thing! You'll be far happier for it!"

    Amen, sister. Sing it loud and sing it proud!

    Love the LOs, Roni. They are ALL my fav. Deeply personal and made with love. THAT's what a SB page is about.

    (and I am a fractal girl in a polka dot world.... *wink*)

  2. such good advice! Some of my fav things I have completed were things in my own head! So I totally agree! And I want you to know I like yours that u shared...and so YOU for sure...luv those lil charms on the zoo pages!

    And I got the ice cute tray! YEAH! I am going to practice these really soon! TY TY TY! and happy NSD to YOU! Cher

  3. So so true, Roni, I`m also a scrapbooker, but I don`t follow any particular trends, I do what I like because it`s what makes me feel good, & you`re so right about having so much in our stash anyway LOL. Loved your LOs, thank you for sharing them & your thoughts too, your not so secret admirer, Vicky

  4. Love seeing your layouts, since that was the way I met you!! I still have my treasured layout that you did when did a layout swap some years ago. That was before you became the queen of collage!! LOL!

  5. I loved all of your lo's. I have been away from scrapbooking for a couple of years. I recently organized by scrap space and I know what you mean about "stuff". I am stealing some of your layout ideas! LOL, they are all beautiful, I love your style.


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!