
Monday, May 4, 2009

How to make your Blog 3 Columns

I'm so glad you all like the 3 columns!!!

I have been trying to figure out how to do this for ages but I'm not the best at HTML so it was definitely trial and error....lots of error!

Well after going through 5-6 different tutorials on how to make the change I finally found one that was easy to understand, explained everything in detail and best of all ~ it WORKED!!!

This tutorial is for changing the Minima template ~ I'm told this is the most popular blogger template so I hope it works for you.

You can find the directions here ~ Three Column Blogger Minima . Now, this just creates the three columns. You will notice that all of the columns are smooshed up side by side with no spaces in between. You will need to go here ~ Adjusting Three Column Margins to fix it so they are spaced out nicely.

So there you go ~ hope it works as well for you as it did for me :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you it was a great guide, now to make our blog 3 columns is definitely very easy utilizing your tips. Thanks


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